Area Code Papua-Neuguinea : 00675 / +675
If you want to call a number in Papua-Neuguinea , you have to dial 00675 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Papua-Neuguinea . The phone number should then look like this: 00675234578978
You can tell if you received a call from Papua-Neuguinea , by the initial numbers 00675 or +675 in your telephone display.
Favourable dialling codes for Papua-Neuguinea
Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00675 via Google:
Recently added comments
Investigator zippy111 reported number +67588671334 as unknown
1 Rating for +67588671334 (Digicel) -
The number +67574011438 has been assigned to unknown
3 rings and shut down
2 Ratings for +67574011438 (Digicel)
So no informations... -
Angry Bird reported number +67574011410 as unknown
Scammer trash, just rings once and probably charges a ton if you call it back....
8 Ratings for +67574011410 (Digicel) -
unknown has been reported with number +67574011409 as Cost trap
3 Ratings for +67574011409 (Digicel)
Telephone numbers with 00675
- +67570894085 61 ratings and 61019 queries.
- +6757 28 ratings and 49068 queries.
- +67570894120 43 ratings and 32265 queries.
- +67570894218 6 ratings and 7151 queries.
- +67570897283 4 ratings and 5675 queries.
- +67570894066 14 ratings and 4337 queries.
- +67579989376 9 ratings and 3232 queries.
- +67572211767 0 ratings and 3039 queries.
- +67574011410 8 ratings and 2815 queries.
- +67572211889 1 ratings and 2178 queries.
- +67570894141 6 ratings and 2051 queries.
- +67570897268 11 ratings and 1985 queries.
- +67570894060 4 ratings and 1850 queries.
- +67570894125 8 ratings and 1412 queries.
- +67570897272 10 ratings and 1400 queries.
- +67574011409 3 ratings and 1356 queries.
- +67570894050 14 ratings and 1329 queries.
- +67572217942 16 ratings and 1243 queries.
- +67570897288 0 ratings and 1235 queries.
- +67570897251 5 ratings and 1230 queries.
Android reported unknown with the number +67579685105 as Cost trap
1 Rating for +67579685105 (Digicel)