Area Code Taiwan: 00886 / +886

If you want to call a number in Taiwan, you have to dial 00886 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Taiwan. The phone number should then look like this: 00886234578978

You can tell if you received a call from Taiwan, by the initial numbers 00886 or +886 in your telephone display.

Favourable dialling codes for Taiwan

Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00886 via Google:

Recently added comments

  1. iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎+88622222 as Trustworthy number

    2/29/20, 1:01 PM


    3 Ratings for +88622222 (台北市:中和區)
  2. iPhone reported number ‎+88622222 as unknown

    2/29/20, 1:00 PM

    Call me...

    3 Ratings for +88622222 (台北市:中和區)
  3. vikey reported number ‎+886614391046 as vodafone

    10/27/19, 3:22 PM


    [email protected]...

    1 Rating for +886614391046 (台灣大哥大Taiwan Mobile)
  4. Android reported vasantha rao with the number ‎+886390270634 as Trustworthy number

    10/7/19, 8:55 AM


    1 Rating for +886390270634 (台灣大哥大Taiwan Mobile)
  5. Investigator nnn reported unknown with the number ‎+886518860052 as Trustworthy number

    8/7/19, 10:28 AM


    2 Ratings for +886518860052 (新竹縣:竹北市,芎林鄉,新豐鄉,新埔鎮,關西鎮,橫山鄉,竹東鎮,湖口鄉)

Telephone numbers with 00886

  1. 0088632582449247 0 ratings and 210453 queries.
  2. 00886910806284 0 ratings and 72 queries.
  3. 00886935120188 64 ratings and 184877 queries.
  4. 00886324949570 0 ratings and 86 queries.
  5. 0088650011019383 0 ratings and 153005 queries.
  6. 00886936447921 33 ratings and 148679 queries.
  7. 0088623423234342 4 ratings and 179 queries.
  8. 00886910768022 0 ratings and 47 queries.
  9. 00886920806381 0 ratings and 56 queries.
  10. 00886911251946 0 ratings and 62 queries.
  11. 00886222700000 0 ratings and 75 queries.
  12. 00886266366550 42 ratings and 108330 queries.
  13. 00886910806598 0 ratings and 45 queries.
  14. 00886024558888 0 ratings and 180 queries.
  15. 00886900326690 0 ratings and 58 queries.
  16. 00886221715030 49 ratings and 94022 queries.
  17. 00886907912393 148 ratings and 88849 queries.
  18. 008868888888 0 ratings and 36 queries.
  19. 00886982841539 113 ratings and 80722 queries.
  20. 00886906326706 76 ratings and 79147 queries.