Medical Health Services 01218240924 / +441218240924

Types of call: Harassment calls
Caller Name: Medical Health Services more...
Ratings: 3
Search requests: 165
Assessment: untrustworthy, Do not accept call, check comments!
Latest comment (11/2/24, 8:35 AM)

Kelvin SP wrote: This number called me, said they were from 'Medical Health Services' but couldn't tell me who they w... all ratings

Details about this number

City: Birmingham - United Kingdom
Telephone number: 0121-8240924
Phone number +441218240924 from Birmingham tagged as Harassment calls 3 times.

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Views last month: 2
tellows protection:
The blacklist is used by apps and phones to detect and block unwanted calls. Further numbers: 01212853695 +442035405976 01483947661 01443544977 01274054504
Request trend:
Search requests are not regular and spread often on weekdays

Calls from 01218240924 are associated with Medical Health Services - Expert Opinion

This number, +441218240924, is associated with numerous reports of scam calls, primarily related to medical services. The caller often uses a fake name, claims to be from a legitimate medical organization, and tries to sell medical alert devices or other products. This number is known to employ aggressive tactics, such as not disclosing their employer and becoming upset when the call recipient declines their offer. This number is particularly concerning as it may disrupt individuals awaiting legitimate medical calls. Based on the reports, this number is highly likely to be a scam and should be blocked.
Richard Grant
Richard Grant
Expert for consumer protection and telecommunication

tellows score for +441218240924

Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews

Types of call:
Harassment calls
3 reports
Caller Name:
Medical Health Services
1 reports
Medical Scam
1 reports
1 reports
Phone number +441218240924 from Birmingham tagged as Harassment calls 3 times: This number called me, said they were fr... 165 searches on tellows, the online anti-spam community

Approximate caller location

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Who calls with 01218240924?

  1. 0

    Kelvin SP reported Medical Health Services with the number ‎+441218240924 as Harassment calls

    11/2/24, 8:35 AM via Android App

    This number called me, said they were from 'Medical Health Services' but couldn't tell me who they worked for! Scammer for sure, blocked it!

  2. 0

    Nate SM reported Medical Scam with the number ‎01218240924 as Harassment calls

    10/21/24, 12:01 AM

    This number keeps calling me about some medical alert thingy. I told them I wasn't interested but they just kept going on and on. I finally had to hang up. Scam!!!

  3. 0

    Investigator chris allen reported unknown with the number ‎+441218240924 as Harassment calls

    10/14/24, 5:49 PM

    01218240924, nuisance call .blocked now , a indian man saying he,s from a medical company ,jog on really there harassing

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Just like 01218240924, "Harassment calls" has been recently assigned to the following numbers
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Possible ways of writing the number 01218240924
‎(0121) 824 0924
‎+44 1218240924
‎(0044121) 8240924
‎(+44) 121 824 0924