• This number was often allocated to Vodafone. Find comments on additional numbers belonging to Vodafone at the end of the page.

Vodafone from Rotherham 01709918614 / +441709918614

Types of call: Telemarketer
Caller Name: Vodafone more...
Ratings: 23
Search requests: 18641
Assessment: untrustworthy, annoying call, pay attention to the comments
Latest comment (7/2/19, 11:05 AM)

Paul Carter wrote: Had been so called valued customer over.15years and deal they offered was a digrace i even had 25% l... all ratings

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Details about this number

City: Rotherham - United Kingdom
Telephone number: 01709-918614
Phone number +441709918614 from Rotherham tagged as Telemarketer 14 times.

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Views last month: 1
tellows protection:
The blacklist is used by apps and phones to detect and block unwanted calls. Further numbers: 01708300598 01143220849 01135297756 +447407247382 01618843145
Request trend:
Search requests are not regular and spread often on weekdays

tellows score for +441709918614

Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews

Types of call:
14 reports
5 reports
Cost trap
1 reports
Harassment calls
1 reports
Trustworthy number
1 reports
Caller Name:
19 reports
3 reports
Phone number +441709918614 from Rotherham tagged as Telemarketer 14 times: This is a Vodafone call centre that atte... 18641 searches on tellows, the online anti-spam community

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Who calls with 01709918614?

  1. 20

    Stevie reported Vodafone with the number ‎01709918614 as Telemarketer

    10/20/16, 6:15 PM

    This is a Vodafone call centre that attempts to get you to change your mind after you have cancelled your contract.

    malouey replied 1/23/17, 10:35 AM
    thanks for the heads up. I have just received a call from this no. and yes I have just cancelled my voda contract so wont answer next time they ring. Cheers!

  2. 3

    Harry reported Vodafone with the number ‎01709918614 as Telemarketer

    7/24/18, 1:17 PM

    Yes just cancelled my contract and asked for PAC keep pestering with fantastic offers shame they don't call with the same type of offer when I was half way into contract and they put the price up very poor service would not recommend this company at all.

  3. 2

    Investigator Phil reported Vodafone with the number ‎01709918614 as Telemarketer

    10/16/18, 11:31 AM

    Yes, now blocked number. Vodafone could not match new provider deal. I cancelled contract and got PAC code. Now they are offering the world. Pity it took them until after I cancelled to realise I was a valuable customer.

  4. 1

    Paul Carter reported Vodafone with the number ‎01709918614 as Telemarketer

    7/2/19, 11:05 AM

    Had been so called valued customer over.15years and deal they offered was a digrace i even had 25% loyalty discount but was told sorry carnt use that against new handsets! So what am i supposed to use it for? unbelivable there so called retion deals are double what another provider offered me.
    Glad i got my pac code of them as im leaving!

    You can quit your mobile provider with a text: Here's why the new rules will trigger a battle for millions of UK customers.

  5. 0

    Kiwibird reported Vodafone with the number ‎01709918614 as Telemarketer

    6/12/19, 1:58 PM

    Spent 3 hours on live chat two nights ago cancelling my contract with Vodafone due to high costs and poor customer service. Since then I have received texts emails and now calls trying to get me to stay. Shame they didn't put as much effort in when I actually was a customer.

  6. 0

    JPage reported number ‎+441709918614 as Vodafone

    4/17/19, 12:42 PM

    Calling to offer better deal to try and stop me using PAC code.
    Significantly better offers than available online. Smooth process, no hard sell, scheduled a call back to allow me to research alternatives. Called back as agreed and set up the offers mentioned quickly and easily.

  7. 0

    Pat74 reported unknown with the number ‎01709918614 as Cost trap

    4/12/19, 12:48 PM

    DANGEROUS! Phone screen message said this number does not exist! Caller offered an alleged government scheme to pay off debuts and invited me to press 5. I disconnected. Probably phishing or premium line scam

  8. 0

    Paul reported Vodafone with the number ‎+441709918614 as Telemarketer

    3/25/19, 4:27 PM

    Vodafone wanting me to stay with them as I cancelled my Contract yesterday as they couldn't beat the competition.

  9. 0

    Vodafone has been reported with number ‎01709918614 as Telemarketer

    3/13/19, 10:23 AM

    After PAC number request to try to persuade you to stay with vodafone. Waste of time

  10. 0

    Mark reported Vodafone with the number ‎01709918614 as Telemarketer

    1/15/19, 2:50 PM

    Tried on two
    occasions to get
    a better deal at the end of
    my 24 month contract, not offered anything worth staying
    for especially after being a customer for 10 + years. I requested
    PAC via online chat as others did commenting here. Very painful
    experience, given the hard sell from retention team and then made
    very awkward to extract PAC number from them. Subsequently they
    rang me on
    said number begging for me to return – Too late! I wouldn’t go back if it was free.

  11. 0

    Mark reported Vodafone with the number ‎+441709918614 as Telemarketer

    1/14/19, 4:57 PM

    Tried on two occasions to get a better deal at the end of my 24 month contract, not offered anything worth staying for especially after being a customer for 10 + years. I requested PAC via online chat as others did commenting here. Very painful experience, given the hard sell from retention team and then made very awkward to extract PAC number from them. Subsequently they rang me on said number begging for me to return – Too late! I wouldn’t go back if it was free.

  12. 0

    PigletJ reported Vodafone with the number ‎01709918614 as Telemarketer

    12/27/18, 4:28 PM

    Last time I threatened to leave they gave me a two-year contract at less than half price (but only after I had requested and received my transfer number) so I will listen to what they offer.

  13. 0

    L reported Vodafone with the number ‎01709918614 as Telemarketer

    10/16/18, 11:11 AM

    Cancelled my phone contract with Vodafone yesterday. It was like pulling teeth - they rang me just now to try and get me back. Gonna block this number now I think. Why do they think marketing like this works?

  14. 0

    Baldy reported Vodafone with the number ‎01709918614 as Telemarketer

    9/10/18, 6:51 PM

    Cancelled 3 contracts, asked for PAC codes. Now they want to give me the world, well after 19 years the service is crap and a bit late now to offer everything.

  15. 0

    Andy reported Vodafone with the number ‎+441709918614 as Harassment calls

    9/6/18, 3:59 PM

    Same as others cancel contract due to cost and now they want to offer anything to get you back poor service.

  16. 0

    LuckyGravy reported Vodafone with the number ‎01709918614 as Telemarketer

    5/21/18, 5:49 PM

    This is Vodafone but why use an unidentified number. As previously stated by other contributors, I cancelled my contract and requested my PAC to go to another provider. I will not change my mind as the Service is not awesome.

  17. 0

    Krzysztof reported Vodafone with the number ‎+441709918614 as Trustworthy number

    11/2/17, 1:09 PM

    Vodafone to change your mind after you cancelled.
    Before they called with offer to 'cut my costs' by buying new phone or tablet. Right.

  18. 0

    bob reported number ‎+441709918614 as unknown

    3/6/17, 4:50 PM

    keeps calling my deaf son who only uses his phone for text and internet. very inappropriate

  19. 0

    mark reported number ‎01709918614 as unknown

    1/25/17, 2:55 PM

    Keep calling after leaving vodafone.
    Confirms lousy customer service....

  20. The number ‎01709918614 has been assigned to Vodafone

    3/27/19, 12:25 PM

  21. Vodafone has been reported with number ‎01709918614 as Telemarketer

    3/19/19, 6:38 PM

  22. The number ‎01709918614 has been assigned to Vodafone

    3/18/19, 1:26 PM

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Numbers with the same caller name
Further numbers that were allocated to the caller "Vodafone"
Often reported phone numbers with the same root number +44170991861
On tellows 3 numbers with the same base have been reported. These have received a total of 23 ratings and 21166 search requests. The average tellows score is 6. The number most likely belongs to a call center with several number extensions.
Most searched telephone numbers in 01709 (Rotherham)
Possible ways of writing the number 01709918614
‎(01709) 918 614
‎+44 1709918614
‎(00441709) 918614
‎(+44) 1709 918 614