Nunwood from Swindon 01793888585 / +441793888585

Types of call: Survey
Caller Name: Nunwood more...
Ratings: 101
Assessment: untrustworthy, annoying call, pay attention to the comments
Latest comment (1/23/19, 3:28 PM)


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Details about this number

City: Swindon - United Kingdom
Telephone number: 01793-888585
Phone number +441793888585 from Swindon tagged as Survey 29 times.

Further Information: Find out
This info is supplied without liability.

tellows score for +441793888585

Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews

Types of call:
32 reports
29 reports
Harassment calls
14 reports
Aggressive advertising
3 reports
Trustworthy number
2 reports
Telemarketer (2) Cost trap (1)
Caller Name:
47 reports
8 reports
Nunwood Consulting
6 reports
4 reports
2 reports
building society (1) Nunwood consulting (1) Lee (1) nunwood consultancy (1) Scammer (1)
nunwood (1) Nationwide (1) Nunwood / Natiowide BS (1) Kpmg nunwood (1) Nationwide - 3rd party (1) KPMG Nunwood (1) No name given (1) SAID...KPMG (1) kpmg nunswood (1) KPMG? (1) Nunwood Consulting Ltd (1)
Phone number +441793888585 from Swindon tagged as Survey 29 times: Called Nationwide Building Society after... 141180 searches on tellows, the online anti-spam community

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Who calls with 01793888585?

  1. 19

    Steve reported Nunwood Consulting with the number ‎01793888585 as Survey

    10/23/13, 7:41 PM

    Called Nationwide Building Society after receiving this call and refusing to answer any questions as the caller was vague and it sounded like a scam/phishing call. Nationwide confirmed that it was indeed from Nunwood Consulting in order to conduct a customer satisfaction survey and apologised that the caller had not identified himself. I lodged a formal complaint with Nationwide about this and the adviser there agreed it was unprofessional and said they had been receiving a lot of complaints about these calls lately.

    David replied 8/18/15, 9:50 PM
    Received calls from this number yesterday and today and they said they were KPMG doing research on behalf of my sons building society and wanted to speak to him but on both occasions he was not in at time of their call.
    Frustrated replied 4/15/16, 10:26 AM
    Also contacted Nationwide and was told that agent has been told to remove my number. Any surprise that they are still calling?
    Now I am getting calls directly from Nationwide as well.
    privatenumber replied 9/1/17, 3:11 PM
    Why is Nationwide giving out details to a third party who is then cold calling. I leaves the householder trying to recognise a scam from the real deal - really not very helpful. I say put a STOP to this type of calling please if you are behind it NATIONWIDE!!
    Angry bird replied 9/26/17, 2:57 PM
    Disgusted my number has been passed on for a survey , would not called back if not has said nationwide in search .

  2. 3

    Caladave reported unknown with the number ‎+441793888585 as Survey

    1/7/15, 3:33 PM

    Had miscall from this number yesterday but they called back this afternoon. They must have received complaints from Nationwide as straight away she said she was conducting a survey for the Nationwide Building Society. This was confirmed by my branch later.

    Sue replied 11/9/17, 11:21 AM
    Yes I got same call. Not professional at all. My number is x directory so how did this third party get my contact number

  3. 2

    Female reported number ‎01793888585 as unknown

    6/2/17, 6:44 PM

    Someone just rang me from this number, heavy breathed down the phone for nearly a minute, and hung up, very disconcerting!!

  4. 2

    Alison reported number ‎01793888585 as unknown

    10/22/14, 4:01 PM

    This number phoned me. I did not recognise the number and I am registered with TPS so I ignored. They left no message on my answer machine.

    Interestingly I phoned Nationwide yesterday with a general query. I am registered with Nationwide as not to give out my details to partners or third party companies.

    I am disappointed to hear of the link with my building society!

  5. 2

    Silver reported 01793888585 with the number ‎+441793888585 as Survey

    10/7/14, 3:54 PM

    An answer machine works well for these type of nuisance calls.

  6. 2

    Susan reported unknown with the number ‎01793888585 as Aggressive advertising

    12/20/13, 7:23 PM

    Do Not speak or give any information. Scammers at work

  7. 1

    Investigator Lieh8er reported Nunwood with the number ‎+441793888585 as Trustworthy number

    2/26/18, 3:04 PM

    Called home number to conduct customer satisfaction' survey following a member of our household opening a new bank account. These surveys help major providers (e.g. The Automobile Association (AA) and a leading Building Society) improve their services. (NOTE TO SELF - Please be polite to fellow citizens doing a difficult job in a paranoid world).

  8. 0

    Kate reported unknown with the number ‎+441793888585 as Harassment calls

    1/23/19, 3:28 PM


  9. 0

    Dee reported KPMG? with the number ‎01793888585 as Survey

    11/13/18, 10:47 AM

    Said they wanted to talk about my buiolding society. I said no.

  10. 0

    Nationwide customer reported kpmg nunswood with the number ‎+441793888585 as Survey

    8/1/18, 1:25 PM

    Very shocked if nationwide really have given info about me to this unprofessional company. Caller was eating or chewing something!

  11. 0

    Eddo reported unknown with the number ‎01793888585 as Harassment calls

    2/17/18, 12:17 PM

    Don't answer unrecognised numbers. If it's important they can leave a message

  12. 0

    lillput28 reported number ‎01793888585 as unknown

    11/24/17, 8:31 PM

    called me today missed call looked up number and was supprised to see nationwide survey i am not nor have i ever been a nationwide customer

    Be Real. replied 12/8/17, 1:22 PM
    Survey on behalf of nationwide,or a scam as I don't have any accounts at all with nationwide. I Just put the phone down then blocked them. These calls are happening on and off all to often!!!!!!

  13. 0

    Supersadie reported Nunwood with the number ‎+441793888585 as Trustworthy number

    11/16/17, 11:24 AM

    Nunwood are registered with the MRS and an independent research company. They called to ask about my recent contact with a financial services company. It was a satisfaction survey and I answered all questions. Without surveys, companies don't know how they can improve. TPS only relevant to sales calls and not bona fide research.

  14. 0

    Bob reported number ‎+441793888585 as unknown

    11/7/17, 1:50 PM

    Rang me three times, each time cleared down when I answered. Having read previous comments I have complained to Nationwide.

  15. 0

    Nationwide Customer reported unknown with the number ‎01793888585 as Survey

    10/23/17, 9:10 PM

    The call came at 20:51 at night! What a time to make a survey call. They asked for my daughter who has not lived at this address for a couple of years and didn't start banking with Nationwide until after she left. Not entirely happy that the company involved might be fishing with scavenged data rather than legitimate info from the bank. The caller said it was a survey for Nationwide but wouldn't go into more detail with anyone except her.

    Lieh8er replied 2/26/18, 3:24 PM
    On reflection could it be your comment and rating are a little unfair. It's not their fault that your daughter (and my son) are still needing to use their 'home' address for 'important' things. They can't discuss with us, frustrating as it is, due to 'data protection' and they also have to deal with the 'scam paranoia' we all suffer as this site testifies. Busy people are hard to catch and 20:51 is the middle of my son's 'day' LOL! Students eh? Going forward I'm going to try to give these legimate survey folks an easier ride because their job is hard enough, and I don't suppose the pay's that good. Will you join me?

  16. 0

    Josh reported unknown with the number ‎01793888585 as Harassment calls

    10/13/17, 6:39 PM

    3 silent calls, followed by one asking for my bank details

  17. 0

    Angry bird reported Nunwood with the number ‎+441793888585 as Survey

    9/26/17, 10:46 PM

    Number recognised as nationwide don’t answer

  18. 0

    Anonymous reported number ‎01793888585 as unknown

    8/16/17, 9:50 AM

    Receiving silent calls from this number

  19. 0

    Investigator mikef reported unknown with the number ‎01793888585 as Survey

    6/20/17, 2:17 PM

    called to do a survey for a building society
    will complain to the building society

  20. 0

    Mike reported number ‎01793888585 as unknown

    6/16/17, 2:50 PM

    Didn't answer the phone (never do). They never left a message on the answerphone. Googled the number instead.

  21. 0

    Corby Resident reported number ‎01793888585 as Nunwood

    6/9/17, 4:35 PM

    I had a call yesterday and today, asking for my son, from this number. I checked the number yesterday so when they called again today I asked them if they were Nunwood. They said yes. Whether or not this was a genuine call, they cannot expect people in this day and age to talk about your building society nor should they have anyone's phone number. We have to make a general rule not to speak to anyone they don't know. Simple.

  22. 0

    Sue reported Nunwood with the number ‎+441793888585 as Harassment calls

    4/13/17, 5:31 PM

    Scammers doing the rounds again. go quiet for a few months then start up again . SCAMMERS.

  23. 0

    Co-Co reported number ‎01793888585 as SAID...KPMG

    2/6/17, 1:33 PM

    Asked for me by name....Had to ask them who they were...Said they were from KPMG for a building society...When asked the name of building society ...Caller would not say...I HUNG UP..!!

  24. 0

    Paul S reported No name given with the number ‎01793888585 as Survey

    11/15/16, 7:51 PM

    Rand to speak to my son, said he was from his "Building Society" but refused to give the name. I told him that if we refused to identity himself then I was not going to give my sons details.
    If this was legit it was VERY unprofessional.

  25. 0

    Brianlj reported KPMG Nunwood with the number ‎+441793888585 as Survey

    11/4/16, 1:07 PM

    Had a few calls from this number and they announced themselves as KPMG Nunwood

    gathering customer feedback for Nationwide Building Society.

    The person they were asking about hasn't had this telephone number for 6 years, so I suspect they've got hold of some old NW customer lists.

  26. 0

    Karen reported number ‎+441793888585 as unknown

    9/8/16, 11:38 AM

    Calls every day despite the fact I m on TPS
    Just let it go to voicemail

  27. 0

    Drew reported Nationwide - 3rd party with the number ‎01793888585 as Survey

    8/10/16, 7:39 PM

    I'm a Nationwide customer however they have never been given my home landline number so these scrotum companies phoning Nationwide's customer list have aquired it through other means...
    Not impressed.

  28. 0

    pandes reported unknown with the number ‎+441793888585 as Survey

    7/18/16, 8:55 PM

    They have called several times over the last 3 days to speak to my wife, but they don`t even have the correct name. I told them that she would not be interested but they still phoned back. She will visit the Nationwide tomorrow and inform them that if there are any more calls we will close all our accounts with them, and that amounts to a considerable sum none of which is debt. Gross stupidity on behalf of the nationwide when we are warned about scammers and not to discuss such things on the phone.

    streams of consciousness replied 9/4/16, 7:19 PM
    they'd be far more worried about you closing your account if it was debt. They are holding way too much in deposits right now and would be glad to be rid of some of it.

  29. 0

    ROM reported number ‎01793888585 as unknown

    6/7/16, 11:48 AM

    This number has just phoned me 07/06/16. I didn't recognise the number and like another person on here I am register with TPS. No message was left on my answer phone.

    Again I am a NATIONWIDE customer.

    Something has to be done sooner rather than later but what and by whom ????????????????

  30. 0

    Frustrated reported Nunwood / Natiowide BS with the number ‎01793888585 as Harassment calls

    4/15/16, 10:20 AM

    Nationwide confirmed calls are on their behalf. Said the would stop the calls but did not do so then harassed me further with calls of their own to "resolve the situation".
    NB Nationwide previously told not to pass any personal information outside their organisation.

  31. 0

    Loui reported Kpmg nunwood with the number ‎01793888585 as Harassment calls

    3/3/16, 9:18 AM

    Pain in the bum

  32. 0

    Paul W reported number ‎+441793888585 as unknown

    2/17/16, 11:04 AM

    Received a call from this number asking for my wife very little info given no company details even though requested saying from her b/soc told do not give out info over phone then they wanted to known when best time to call told not to if they are who they say should be transparent

  33. 0

    OceanDog reported number ‎+441793888585 as unknown

    2/12/16, 1:45 PM

    Received call, didn't recognize number, didn't answer, read this site, blocked number, job done.

  34. 0

    Kim reported number ‎01793888585 as 01793888585

    2/3/16, 11:25 AM

    Didn't know the number but answered anyway wish I hadn't , no answer they put the phone down on me ,but all I keep getting now is phone calls . It's so "annoying", and if it is anything to do with Nationwide ,I like to know why they have my number or any third party come to that as I'm not even with them ...

  35. 0

    Dunno reported number ‎01793888585 as unknown

    2/1/16, 1:48 PM

    Keep ringing me a million times every week asking for Stuart Kirk

  36. 0

    Alex reported unknown with the number ‎+441793888585 as Survey

    12/2/15, 9:54 AM

    KPMG survey on behalf of Skipton Building Society. The caller was professional enough to ask if it was a good time to talk and agreed to call later.

  37. 0

    John reported unknown with the number ‎01793888585 as Survey

    11/11/15, 11:20 AM

    Received a phone call wishing to do a survey for a building society on a few transactions I'd done the previous day, wouldn't say which building society survey was for, so I hung up. Very disappointed private information given to 3rd party from the Nationwide Building Society.

  38. 0

    Howard reported number ‎+441793888585 as unknown

    10/29/15, 2:37 PM

    Silent Call received

  39. 0

    JULIE LOV reported Kpmg with the number ‎01793888585 as Survey

    10/3/15, 12:41 PM

    Rang me today at midday in a Saturday. Said they were KPMG

  40. 0

    JULIE LOV reported Kpmg with the number ‎+441793888585 as Survey

    10/3/15, 12:40 PM

    Rang me today at midday in a Saturday. Said they were KPMG

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Most searched telephone numbers in 01793 (Swindon)
Possible ways of writing the number 01793888585
‎(01793) 888 585
‎+44 1793888585
‎(00441793) 888585
‎(+44) 1793 888 585