• This number was often allocated to RVI. Find comments on additional numbers belonging to RVI at the end of the page.

RVI 01913810059 / +441913810059

Types of call: Trustworthy number
Caller Name: RVI more...
Ratings: 24 (deleted: 1)
Assessment: very trustworthy, Call harmless and trustworthy
Latest comment (1/19/18, 7:08 PM)

Dave wrote: NHS appointment reminder, bizarre how they rang me to confirm an appointment with this auto-dialler,... all ratings

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Details about this number

City: Tyneside, Durham and Sunderland - United Kingdom
Telephone number: 0191-3810059
Phone number +441913810059 from Tyneside, Durham and Sunderland tagged as Trustworthy number 17 times.

Further Information: Find out
This info is supplied without liability.

tellows score for +441913810059

Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews

Types of call:
Trustworthy number
17 reports
4 reports
Harassment calls
2 reports
Caller Name:
7 reports
2 reports
Freeman Hospital
1 reports
Nhs appointments
1 reports
1 reports
Freeman hospital newcastle upon tyne (1) Newcastle RVI (1) Used by the Newcastle hospitsls (1) Freeman hospital (1) Newcastle Hospitals (1)
Newcastle Hospitals Appointment turn up (1) RVI hospital (1) rvi appointment line (1) rvi (1) Newcastle Hosptials (1) Rvi (1)
Phone number +441913810059 from Tyneside, Durham and Sunderland tagged as Trustworthy number 17 times: Automated appointment reminder service. ... 37981 searches on tellows, the online anti-spam community

Approximate caller location

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Who calls with 01913810059?

  1. 9

    Hobbo reported Freeman Hospital with the number ‎01913810059 as Trustworthy number

    9/29/14, 6:13 PM

    Automated appointment reminder service.
    I'd call back if you miss the call.

  2. 0

    Dave reported unknown with the number ‎+441913810059 as Trustworthy number

    1/19/18, 7:08 PM

    NHS appointment reminder, bizarre how they rang me to confirm an appointment with this auto-dialler, but they did

  3. 0

    Paul reported Nhs appointments with the number ‎+441913810059 as Trustworthy number

    12/27/17, 6:46 PM

    Nhs appointments reminder/confirmation
    Totally safe to answer

  4. 0

    John reported BN with the number ‎+441913810059 as Harassment calls

    10/15/17, 7:25 PM

    I auto reject any number that greets me with a recorded message. Then I copy it and Google it. I hate cold cold calls! Anyway I get this recorded cold call asking me to ID myself a robot asking for my DOB. You're kidding!!!!! Your site tells me it's safe. So I begin by calling it it then tells me I don't know my own date of birth. I'm sure next would have been my address?? No way. So I hang up. So now I haven't a clue why a robot rang me.

  5. 0

    Nicola reported number ‎01913810059 as Freeman hospital newcastle upon tyne

    10/2/17, 7:18 PM

    This is the doctors or nurses at the freeman hospital. Could be for a number of reasons. mainly For Appointment confirmations. It's not a untrustworthy worthy number it's clearly the hospital ringing to make sure that you are going to attend your appointments as so many people miss there's.

  6. 0

    peed off reported unknown with the number ‎+441913810059 as Harassment calls

    9/3/17, 6:11 PM

    im not anywhere near this area ffs or got any hospital appointment .... spam spam spam

  7. 0

    Adrian Johnson reported Newcastle RVI with the number ‎01913810059 as Trustworthy number

    2/25/17, 10:10 AM

    Courtesy call from Newcastle RVI Hospital following surgery there.

  8. 0

    Janjay reported number ‎01913810059 as Used by the Newcastle hospitsls

    7/24/16, 6:35 PM

    As already reported this is the appointment reminder service. Safe to answer.

  9. 0

    julietromeo reported Freeman hospital with the number ‎01913810059 as Trustworthy number

    6/21/16, 3:53 PM

    trustable. appointment checker

  10. 0

    MazzaThis reported unknown with the number ‎01913810059 as Trustworthy number

    5/15/16, 8:43 AM

    Called hse which I missed then my mobile and she asked for my d.o.b. before I insisted she tell me why phone call eventually said . Was not happy about this kind of call.

    weyiman2002 replied 3/22/17, 3:31 PM
    Same with me. Rather than get into an argument, i bow just block this number

  11. 0

    MrMoo reported Newcastle Hospitals with the number ‎+441913810059 as Trustworthy number

    3/6/16, 11:24 PM

    It is the appointment reminder service for Newcastle hospitals. It's an automated service but it's to help folk remember they have appointments coming up

  12. 0

    Andrew reported unknown with the number ‎+441913810059 as Trustworthy number

    12/11/15, 4:26 PM

    Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Trust automated appointments line - ring it back to get your appointment time read back to you automatically.

  13. 0

    Lynnie reported Newcastle Hospitals Appointment turn up with the number ‎01913810059 as Trustworthy number

    9/19/15, 10:12 AM

    As above from Newcastle Hospitals reminding people of their app time/date and enquiringly if people are going to attend

  14. 0

    Mod man reported RVI hospital with the number ‎+441913810059 as Trustworthy number

    11/15/14, 8:01 PM

    The hospital appointment reminder line .used mostly when your appointment was made months ago

  15. 0

    julietromro reported rvi appointment line with the number ‎+441913810059 as Trustworthy number

    10/26/14, 6:06 PM

    you can trust this number

  16. 0

    Lynne reported unknown with the number ‎01913810059 as Trustworthy number

    9/26/14, 9:24 PM

    Confirmation/reminder of future appointment with the Newcastle Hospitals Trust (Freeman Hospital in my case)
    Automated service to avoid many lost appointment slots due to DNA (did not attendees)- genuine call - do respond

  17. 0

    Linda reported RVI with the number ‎01913810059 as Trustworthy number

    9/8/14, 6:57 AM

    Following up a missed appointment so they could update their records.

  18. 0

    julietromeo reported number ‎01913810059 as rvi

    6/28/14, 6:11 PM

    trustworthy genuine call

  19. 0

    Xox reported Newcastle Hosptials with the number ‎01913810059 as Trustworthy number

    4/13/14, 10:03 PM

    Not RVI for me - but a hospital appointment reminder. I got it for the Freeman - presumably it is a standard appointment line as the 2 hospitals are linked.

  20. 0

    Jemma reported Rvi with the number ‎+441913810059 as Trustworthy number

    7/16/13, 6:53 AM

    Just a reminder that you have an appointment at the RVI hospital.

  21. 0

    Donna reported RVI with the number ‎01913810059 as Trustworthy number

    5/6/13, 8:17 AM

    Appointment reminder from the RVI.

  22. 0

    Yorkie reported number ‎+441913810059 as unknown

    3/3/13, 8:09 PM

    I don't have an appointment at the RVI!

  23. 0

    Jessica reported unknown with the number ‎01913810059 as Trustworthy number

    1/22/13, 10:41 AM

    This number is safe. It was only an appointment reminder from the RVI! So dont worry!

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Numbers with the same caller name
Further numbers that were allocated to the caller "RVI"
Most searched telephone numbers in 0191 (Tyneside, Durham and Sunderland)
Possible ways of writing the number 01913810059
‎(0191) 381 0059
‎+44 1913810059
‎(0044191) 3810059
‎(+44) 191 381 0059