Red Star from Manchester 01618315890 / +441618315890

Types of call: Aggressive advertising
Caller Name: Red Star more...
Ratings: 109
Search requests: 61386
Assessment: untrustworthy, Do not accept call, check comments!
Latest comment (6/11/16, 1:45 PM)

Not Paul Williams wrote: Wrong name, wrong history, and this number/device is registered for TPS.... all ratings

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Details about this number

City: Manchester - United Kingdom
Telephone number: 0161-8315890
Phone number +441618315890 from Manchester tagged as Aggressive advertising 28 times.

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tellows offers many services related to caller ID and protection against unwanted calls. Thousands of people are harassed by phone every day and tellows has been offering a platform for exchange and help since 2010.

tellows score for +441618315890

Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews

Types of call:
34 reports
Aggressive advertising
28 reports
Harassment calls
14 reports
6 reports
Cost trap
3 reports
Caller Name:
50 reports
Red Star
12 reports
Red star
3 reports
Red Star Finance
2 reports
2 reports
Redstar (2) Red something (1) Red flag (1) sales (1) ppi agent (1)
N/A (1) ? (1) Activa 01618315890 (1) Red Flag Finance (1) unkown (1) 01618315890 (1) +441618315890 (1) RedStarFinnce (1) Finance (1) RED Star (1)
Phone number +441618315890 from Manchester tagged as Aggressive advertising 28 times: I have come up with an idea... well when... 61386 searches on tellows, the online anti-spam community

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Who calls with 01618315890?

  1. 7

    Mike reported number ‎01618315890 as unknown

    4/16/15, 5:41 PM

    I have come up with an idea... well when i say me... i mean my Auntie (who is a police officer) ... She said we are legally within our rights to record all our phone conversations. When you rialise it is this number tell them the following... OR SOMETHING SIMILAR... "All calls to this number are now being recorded and will be traced and used in a court of law should it be necessery. If i have your permission to record this conversation please continue to talk and state your name & the company you are calling from clearly. If you do not agree then please hang up and your number will be passed on to the PNC(Police National Computers) and will be traced and logged as being a melicious call." You will be suprised at how quick they hang up and remove your details from thier system. CAUTION.... YOU MUST TELL THEM YOU ARE RECORDING AND WHY OTHERWISE THEY CAN GET YOU DONE FOR ENTRAPMENT. Calls like this are illegal and by you telling them they are being recorded and traced or monitered for what ever reasons. (legal reasons usually works) By telling them this it makes you legal and within your rights to continue it. You can tell them your recording it... even if your not. (some phones will beep in the background when you are recording them) I have actually had a number tracked down and it was from a small warehouse in Manchester. 9 people were arrested and sent to jail for fraud back in 2009. We have to put a stop to these guys... do not be afraid... stand up to them.. I did.

    Wonder who replied 4/8/16, 1:38 PM
    Hey they are Callin me at the moment I'm going to answer and say that I have died to see what they do

  2. 3

    Paragon reported unknown with the number ‎+441618315890 as Aggressive advertising

    12/23/14, 11:39 AM

    Call centre amoebas trying to pretend they have your credit history in an attempt to cream off any PPI you may be due. Best results normally come from sounding really excited and asking for all the details before telling them to get to a real job.

  3. 3

    Muarrif reported Red Flag Finance with the number ‎01618315890 as Aggressive advertising

    10/27/14, 7:53 PM

    +44 161 831 5890 Keeps calling to offer their services against PPI calls

  4. 0

    Not Paul Williams reported Red Star with the number ‎+441618315890 as Aggressive advertising

    6/11/16, 1:45 PM

    Wrong name, wrong history, and this number/device is registered for TPS.

  5. 0

    annoyed reported number ‎+441618315890 as unknown

    6/1/16, 3:29 PM

    Repeated calls. This has now become beyond annoying; I am feeling harrassed by them.

  6. 0

    Wavey reported number ‎01618315890 as Finance

    3/18/16, 11:59 AM

    Some bell end going on about insurance or something. Just hung up.

  7. 0

    lucy reported number ‎01618315890 as unknown

    3/14/16, 2:49 PM

    Mentioned something about a credit card at my address years ago and how much i had it for. said i wasn't at this address that long ago. said wanted to send me a free info pack. i said i didn't understand why and they couldn't explain. i said i may've had an x credit card 15 years ago. was asked how much borrowing was on it. i said i didn't remember she sounded surprised. i said do you remember much from 15 years ago and she muttered something and put the phone down. i still have no idea what she was wanting to know but she knew my address and number and i was on her system somehow which i'm not pleased about!

  8. 0

    tralala reported RedStarFinnce with the number ‎01618315890 as Harassment calls

    2/29/16, 3:54 PM

    Guy calling and insisting I am due a refund from Barclays. When I said I never had a Barclays accound, started to say other banks/ company credit cards.
    Told him I am not interested in their scams, he said if I don't claim, the money will be donated to charity, I said "good", he said "thank you for your donation".
    Really??? Fools, shame he hanged up, I was going to tell him to get a real job.

  9. 0

    Yorkiefilly reported number ‎01618315890 as unknown

    12/21/15, 3:14 PM

    Called and used a name I didn't recognise, so I said nobody if that number here and the guy responded with my first name hissed at me like a child would, but a bit menacingly, it was quite unnerving.

  10. 0

    Dorian M reported +441618315890 with the number ‎+441618315890 as Telemarketer

    9/3/15, 10:00 AM

    These number doesn't stop calling my mobile wifi number... :D
    Anyway, because it is a data number, I suppose one of my free apps sold my number off. Time after time I put the sim in the tablet, so at least now I know why apps are free! :)

  11. 0

    Tahrey reported number ‎+441618315890 as unknown

    8/14/15, 2:58 PM

    SOBs have been bothering me daily for a while, been considering finding out how to permanently block a number for the first time ever (in like 15 years of having this number...). Today it escalated to them leaving a one-second voicemail as well, which I will now have to pay to delete. Touche, phishing arseholes...

  12. 0

    JACE reported number ‎01618315890 as unknown

    6/13/15, 9:59 AM

    I have six calls from this company in the past four days, not answered any of them

  13. 0

    Rich reported number ‎+441618315890 as unknown

    5/28/15, 10:42 AM

    PPI cold call for 3rd time this week. Quite polite though

  14. 0

    Cross reported unknown with the number ‎01618315890 as Cost trap

    4/24/15, 12:23 PM

    Claimed I had unclaimed money from a card opened pre-2009. Claimed had got my name and address from banking data-base. Used a version of my name however which I never use for banking. Got cross with me when I asked them for proof of who they were and which card it was that they were going to get owed money from.

  15. 0

    violet reported number ‎+441618315890 as unknown

    4/13/15, 8:25 PM

    I don't give my number to anybody, with exception of official places, school, healthcare etc, and the part when you order online and are forced to leave a number as it wont process without, even then it's only companies I trust. I don't reply to spam emails, don't play sweepstakes or any blah that could get my details passed on, and always tick/or un tick the 'can we pass your details on to carefully selected companies ' box so how do they get the dam numbers. I'm pre pay so it's not even supposed to be registered anywhere, and they asked for me by name, so it has to be by association of something we have all filled out, online shopping or signing up to a site-idk sites NEVER get my number I leave it blank or make it up.
    So the caller asked for me by name, I told them I was dead lol remove the details from the system and a few weeks on ring ring. There saved as don't answer ignorant xxxxx so I don't pick up, but dam persistent, I didn't know they diverted calls beyond the grave, so why keep it up.

    Mike replied 4/16/15, 5:27 PM
    My name is Mike. I have come across this many times. They have had your details sold to them. People bid for your details and the highest bidder gets the lot. Names, addresses, DOB, sometimes even your bank details. When one company have drawn a blank (not been able to scam you) or even if they have been able to and think they have got away with it... they will then pass your details on to other companies. (sell them agian to the highest bidder) Sometimes a computer will dial numbers atarting at 01 and work their way up until somone answers, then when we pick up the computer can actually take all our calling credit or bill our accounts accordingly. Believe it or not sometimes there is only one numbers difference between one phone number and the next. They get thousands of people by doing this every day. (My uncle used to be a police officer, and i have 2 aunties and 3 cousins that still are) this is how i know so much about all of this) and also my brother used to work for BT. So my information is as good as set in stone. Be careful out there guys... do not pick up unless you know the caller. Hope this helps.
    Steve replied 5/22/15, 1:08 PM
    "then when we pick up the computer can actually take all our calling credit or bill our accounts accordingly"

    ahahhahahaha... Wake up Sir.. People cannot clear all of your credit by answering your phone. Stop scaring people. Absolute nonsense!

  16. 0

    Martin reported unknown with the number ‎01618315890 as Aggressive advertising

    4/1/15, 12:46 PM

    PPI Spammers, say the name of their company very fast so you can't catch it

  17. 0

    Sujel reported number ‎+441618315890 as 01618315890

    3/10/15, 4:55 PM

    Annoying...calling me from this number - 0161 831 5890 and 0161 676 9607.....block the number and it comes again in different form :-(

  18. 0

    Investigator Sandie reported unknown with the number ‎+441618315890 as Aggressive advertising

    2/27/15, 10:39 AM

    Number continues to call and I refuse to answer them. Getting on my nerves now, rings me several times a day.

  19. 0

    Doris reported unknown with the number ‎01618315890 as Harassment calls

    2/25/15, 2:51 PM

    answered - no one spoke just heard voices in the background then they put the phone down. Blocked as i believe they are timewasters

  20. 0

    Abracadaniel reported number ‎+441618315890 as unknown

    2/19/15, 11:56 AM

    I get called nearly every day by this number. Occasionally I answer and there's no one at the other end. Very very very very irritating. I would LOVE to have a word with the person or people responsible....

  21. 0

    Nick Holmes reported number ‎01618315890 as unknown

    2/19/15, 10:20 AM

    When I answer the phone (mobile)I just get silence..are they sussing out gender and age of `recipient'? This has happened 3 or 4 times in as many days bloody annoying.

  22. 0

    WeeBear reported Red Star with the number ‎+441618315890 as Cost trap

    2/17/15, 8:10 PM

    Rang last week & said I was owed ppi on a previous credit card. Said I'd never had a credit card & ended call. Rang today again from same number saying same thing. Grrrr!

    Shaz replied 2/19/15, 2:42 PM
    You should have told them you weren't a lady, they had got the wrong gender

  23. 0

    Suzie reported Red Star with the number ‎+441618315890 as Aggressive advertising

    2/12/15, 12:24 PM

    Sick of them ringing so i swore at them and hung up, called back to ask why i swore at them and he said that it wasnt very ladylike. Told them i was sick of them ringing i asked to speak to a supervisor

  24. 0

    Janey reported number ‎+441618315890 as unknown

    2/9/15, 4:52 PM

    Haven't answered call but having read above comments am glad I didn't

    Green replied 2/18/15, 12:27 PM
    I also didn't answer the call as u did. After reading comments I have now just blocked this number.


  25. 0

    brenda reported number ‎+441618315890 as unknown

    2/9/15, 2:44 PM

    keep getting calls from this number, have answered once a couple of weeks ago when I asked them to delete my details off their system. Obviously not been done yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. 0

    irritatedcallreciever reported unknown with the number ‎+441618315890 as Aggressive advertising

    2/6/15, 11:34 AM

    Rude as anything. called me up and told me I had been sold PPI in 2008 even though i hadn't. kept asking if i was sure and then when i started asking where he got my details from he just hung up on me.

  27. 0

    Bazza reported number ‎+441618315890 as unknown

    1/30/15, 4:29 PM

    After getting a few of these calls about PPI I blocked the number. Best thing I ever did, pain in the proverbial, they have tried 3 times so far today.

  28. 0

    dave reported number ‎01618315890 as unkown

    1/29/15, 6:38 PM

    I never answer numbers I don't know

  29. 0

    Shakey reported unknown with the number ‎01618315890 as Aggressive advertising

    1/29/15, 11:10 AM

    Hard sell tactics. Block caller if you can

  30. 0

    annoymous reported unknown with the number ‎01618315890 as Telemarketer

    1/27/15, 12:37 PM

    PPI Calls

  31. 0

    Annoyed cold caller reported Activa with the number ‎+441618315890 as Telemarketer

    1/26/15, 10:47 AM

    Called to my work number with my address details claiming they got my details from my mension provider but Jordon was not able to tell me who. I an an NHS emplyee and the NHS pensions would not sell this information. Beware.

  32. 0

    Esb reported number ‎01618315890 as Redstar

    1/23/15, 7:28 PM

    Keep calling even though their number is blocked and it automatically hangs up on the, when they ring. Wonder what they're getting out of it, also got a random voicemail though it isn't activated so have no chance of listening to it. Will check my phone bill to try and work out what is going on..

  33. 0

    mazza50 reported unknown with the number ‎+441618315890 as Aggressive advertising

    1/23/15, 1:32 PM

    even though I kept saying that I did not want anything from them they kept insisting, calling me darling and telling me I was wrong I have blocked them on my phone

  34. 0

    Ngrant reported Red Star with the number ‎01618315890 as Aggressive advertising

    1/22/15, 11:52 AM

    Kepp calling althoughhave told them not interested and to take me off their calling list.

  35. 0

    Sue reported number ‎01618315890 as ?

    1/21/15, 3:54 PM

    This number keeps calling me on my mobile. I have the habit of not ansering any number I don't recognise so I do not really know what they want.I can say that they are very persistant and call 2 or 3 times a day. My last mobile bill was £15 more than it should be and my provider told me its because I have "downloaded" things from this number on the internet, he told me to send a text to 88770 saying "stop" which I have just done and a message came straight back saying .. "you are now unsubscribed and will not receive any more charges" Beware

  36. 0

    kh6698 reported unknown with the number ‎01618315890 as Harassment calls

    1/16/15, 11:23 AM

    receiving calls several times a day - leaving silent voicemail messages - now have their number blocked from my mobile - totally fed up!

  37. 0

    Marc reported Red Star with the number ‎+441618315890 as Aggressive advertising

    1/15/15, 10:32 AM

    Aggressive PPI advertising also using 0161 905 0890, 0161 814 0257,

  38. 0

    Lee reported number ‎01618315890 as unknown

    1/14/15, 2:01 PM

    Missed call from this lot today. Rang back as I thought it could be a job agency and got a recording telling me they would put me through to an agent and the it just ended the call.

  39. 0

    carol reported number ‎+441618315890 as unknown

    1/14/15, 1:25 PM

    got call from this number - don't recognise it so rejected it. called me again before I had chance to check the number here - rejected. now I have checked they immediately go to voicemail - which is not activated!

  40. 0

    annie reported unknown with the number ‎+441618315890 as Aggressive advertising

    1/13/15, 2:31 PM

    Ppi again, told not interested and dont qualift, got another call next day with no record of my comments i told them day before!!

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Often reported phone numbers with the same root number +44161831589
On tellows 3 numbers with the same base have been reported. These have received a total of 51 ratings and 14239 search requests. The average tellows score is 8. The number most likely belongs to a call center with several number extensions.
Most searched telephone numbers in 0161 (Manchester)
Possible ways of writing the number 01618315890
‎(0161) 831 5890
‎+44 1618315890
‎(0044161) 8315890
‎(+44) 161 831 5890