Lowri Beck from Wigan 01942614100 / +441942614100

Types of call: Trustworthy number
Caller Name: Lowri Beck more...
Ratings: 88 (deleted: 3)
Assessment: neutral, slightly negative, check call critically
Latest comment (10/8/18, 12:43 PM)

chris wrote: It's Lowri Beck people. Different energy providers contract with them to provide additional meter re... all ratings

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Details about this number

City: Wigan - United Kingdom
Telephone number: 01942-614100
Phone number +441942614100 from Wigan tagged as Trustworthy number 22 times.

Further Information: Find out
This info is supplied without liability.

Who calls with 01942614100?

  1. 0

    Investigator deafman196823 reported unknown with the number ‎01942614100 as Harassment calls

    12/4/15, 5:06 PM

    I wish these bloody people would take a hint!!! I am hearing impaired and I do not make or take calls and yet they keep on calling my mobile and I have already joined TPS to stop all calls but this one slipped through the bloody net!!!!

  2. 0

    Angie Pedley reported Lowri Beck with the number ‎01942614100 as Harassment calls

    11/23/15, 7:43 PM

    My energy provider has confirmed this number is Lowri Beck of Wigan. They have given me a direct number to ring & arrange an appointment - 0344 848 9245

  3. 0

    Jon reported unknown with the number ‎+441942614100 as Trustworthy number

    11/20/15, 2:35 PM

    Missed call from this number, called them back and they are a reputable company who do meter readings on behalf of NPower - maybe others.

  4. 0

    Darren reported number ‎01942614100 as unknown

    11/4/15, 7:35 PM

    Silent call

  5. 0

    Alan reported number ‎+441942614100 as unknown

    11/4/15, 11:44 AM

    Silent - no answer. Annoying.

  6. 0

    mark brighton reported number ‎+441942614100 as lowri/beck

    10/20/15, 3:04 PM

    meter reading.trust worthy company that work for the local council,ADUR.

  7. 0

    Ben reported Lowri Beck with the number ‎01942614100 as Trustworthy number

    9/28/15, 2:11 PM

    Call was from Lowri Beck regarding an appointment made to replace our gas meter.

  8. 0

    Cora reported unknown with the number ‎01942614100 as Harassment calls

    9/14/15, 12:30 PM

    I have answered the call because someone on this web said it is npower, which is my supplier. But once I picked up they hanged up.

  9. 0

    Fonant reported number ‎01942614100 as Lowry Beck

    9/1/15, 6:35 PM

    Trustworthy, if a bit annoying. Lowry Beck subcontract meter readings for many power companies (you often get Lowry Beck people turning up to read meters in person).

    They knew a correct combination of postcode and energy supplier, and I can't see any major privacy problem giving meter readings over the phone.

  10. 0

    Barb reported number ‎+441942614100 as 01942614100

    8/24/15, 5:08 PM

    A Sarah calling from the above number asking for my meter readings. I said that I submit them on line and she told me that my energy company request these details from them twice a year. I said I would submit them again on line and also email them. I was told that they would call again!

  11. 0

    Investigator SteveM reported number ‎01942614100 as NPower

    8/14/15, 6:55 PM

    I think this is a scam. I was called late evening on Friday, which was first sign to suspect something wrong. Wrote NPower to ask about this number. If they don't respond I go as far as changing the provider.

  12. 0

    Smith reported number ‎+441942614100 as Unknown they would not say

    7/15/15, 12:59 PM

    Got a call from this number with someone left a voicemail saying in a... Very Sopsticated voice

    "hello sir, I am calling on behalf of your energy supplier today, your electricity provider, behalf of your company. I am here to take a meter reading on your electricity. Can YOU PLEASE PROVIDE ONE by ringing 08457023461 quote job ref ********.. Q! "

    Can I ask is this legit? They rang my landline. And other then the dr and my mum and gran nobody has it! 99% of calls I get on landline are either mum or scam callers

    I ask this as I regularly do readings online and also every 4-6 months they ask for a photo to be uploaded (to double check the readings are correct).. So why do I suddenly need to call a premium rate number to give them a meter reading?

  13. 0

    Steve059 reported number ‎01942614100 as Npower

    7/13/15, 2:41 PM

    Callers claimed to be from (not on behalf of) nPower, asking me to give them the yearly verified meter reading that nPower should take themselves. How is a meter reading I provide going to be verifiable? I suspected that they're scamming nPower, but they advised me that they don't have an office or sub-contractor in Wigan. The number is now blocked.

  14. 0

    Investigator Tom reported number ‎01942614100 as Tom

    5/7/15, 8:19 PM

    Been receiving calls for a week now from this number. They just hang-up when I pick up the receiver.
    I'm an OVO customer. Now these phone calls. Don't trust them

  15. 0

    spongebob reported npower with the number ‎01942614100 as Trustworthy number

    4/29/15, 5:10 PM

    Phoned asking for meter readings on behalf of nPower. I got them to tell me my postcode and the serial numbers of both my meters, which they already had, so don't believe it to be any sort of vishing scam. Didn't ask about or offer smart meters.

  16. 0

    k coyle reported unknown with the number ‎+441942614100 as Trustworthy number

    4/20/15, 2:24 PM

    There a company in wigan England they read meters under contract and also fit smart meters....no problem with them just that if it's a missed call they should leave a voice mail /message

  17. 0

    lou reported number ‎+441942614100 as unknown

    3/6/15, 4:31 PM

    They don't leave a message and call about 4 times a day!

  18. 0

    Swagmode reported Lowri Beck with the number ‎+441942614100 as Survey

    3/5/15, 1:00 PM

    They are a 3rd party company collecting meter readings for a variety of suppliers, here is their website which explains what they do http://www.lowribeck.eu/default.html I still refused to pass them any of my information as I do not deal with middlemen. They seem legit but I avoid any potential marketing / survey calls.

  19. 0

    Investigator Simon reported unknown with the number ‎01942614100 as Harassment calls

    2/16/15, 4:46 PM

    I always submit by Internet and they wanted the readings over the phone - I said no way and they said ok thats fone then? Utter con I think - I am rining the COOP now to report them

  20. 0

    Steve reported Lowrie Beck with the number ‎01942614100 as Harassment calls

    1/23/15, 7:15 PM

    Do not respond to these Scammers

  21. 0

    Laura reported Lowri Beck with the number ‎+441942614100 as Trustworthy number

    1/21/15, 6:27 PM

    They are a legit number calling on behalf of npower asking for meter readings for safety checks. They are more of a nusance as they usually ring a week or so after I have given my readings online. I usually say get the readings from my account if you really need them as I'm not going to provide them again as my meters are not easily accessible to give a reading there and then. They usually say they'll ring back but they either never do or I miss the call as they never leave a message.

  22. 0

    Investigator Paisley reported Npower with the number ‎01942614100 as Harassment calls

    1/17/15, 2:54 AM

    Someone phoning on behalf of npower wanted a gas reading refused an electricity reading she couldn't say why they wanted it over the phone

  23. 0

    Bobthebuilder reported Lowri Beck with the number ‎+441942614100 as Trustworthy number

    1/16/15, 11:09 PM

    Received two calls from this number in the space of 3 days. The first time they left no message, the second time they left a message seeking to vary the time of an appointment to replace my electricity meter. nPower (my supplier) confirm on their website (https://customerservices.npower.com/app/answers/websearch_detail/a_id/530) that Lowri Beck are authorised to act for them, so the call appears to be above board.

  24. 0

    Raisinmeister reported Lowri Beck with the number ‎01942614100 as Trustworthy number

    1/8/15, 5:39 PM

    They called asking to take an electricity meter reading on behalf of my supplier (Good Energy).
    I spoke to GE and they confirmed that they use two such companies to collect meter readings over the phone, especially if an engineer has called at the house and no one has answered the door.

  25. 0

    Mac reported Steve/ npower with the number ‎01942614100 as Harassment calls

    12/20/14, 11:14 AM

    Asked if I would give meter readings for my gas and electricity over the phone . I said it wasn't possible said he would call back next week.

  26. 0

    Mat reported Good Energy with the number ‎01942614100 as Survey

    12/4/14, 4:10 PM

    This number called me after 6pm in evening claiming to be from Good energy asking for my meter reading. I said my husband does it & is not around. I said the reading is given online. He still insisted on having the meter read. I notified Good Energy. I'm still getting call from this number 01942 614100.

  27. 0

    MattyF reported number ‎01942614100 as Lowri Beck

    11/18/14, 4:46 PM

    Ive always missed this call, read these and decided to call them back, sourcing meter readings for an old address i had, not sure if i would say they are untrustworthy as i was with npoer at that address. anyways if you dont want to talk to them simply call them and explain u wont be parting with any personal info other than the number they called you on and ask them to remove it from the system, the girl did this for me straight away

  28. 0

    Henry reported number ‎+441942614100 as "meter reading agency"

    10/13/14, 2:56 PM

    I am most suspicious of this outfit. I used to be with SSE the morons who pay millions on monkey adverts and overcharge the customer by making mistakes on the billing. Anyway I changed to OVO, what a great company, SERIOUSLY GOOD. 6 months ago and I enter my meter readings every month. They confirmed they dont use 01942614100. I guess they are an agency who charge the utility for a service not asked for OR could it those ***** at SSE not having worked out that I moved on 6 months ago. Could be. Go to OVO you wont regret it.

    RJB replied 4/10/15, 1:30 PM
    I am along standing OVO customer, and generally very happy with them. However I have now just had a call from this number too.

  29. 0

    Denise reported number ‎+441942614100 as unknown

    8/21/14, 5:57 PM

    Just had a missed call from this number, no message left. I immediately searched on the net and saw these comments. I wont be answering the call next time!
    Thank you

  30. 0

    Dave reported number ‎+441942614100 as Lowri Beck/nPower

    8/7/14, 4:55 PM

    This number left me an automated message, claiming to be from Lowri Beck, calling on behalf of nPower, and wanting me to provide a meter reading. Funny thing is, nPower AREN'T my supplier!!!!!!!

  31. 0

    Edward Snowden reported number ‎+441942614100 as Smart Meters

    7/29/14, 6:54 PM

    Please be AWARE of so called 'smart meters'

    They are DANGEROUS if you value Privacy

    See http://stopsmartmeters.org.uk/move-over-murdoch-how-to-hack-a-smart-meter/

  32. 0

    edward snowden reported not known with the number ‎+441942614100 as Harassment calls

    7/29/14, 6:50 PM

    Thank you to all others replying. I don't want a proven totally hackable
    wi-fi'smart meter' thank you.
    Wish these toss pots would f*** off.

    Privacy in the crappy uk is non-existent.

  33. 0

    Topi reported npower with the number ‎+441942614100 as Aggressive advertising

    6/18/14, 6:39 PM

    I am not on npower. Still called about it

  34. 0

    Chris reported number ‎+441942614100 as unknown

    6/14/14, 1:58 PM

    Not answered - abroad at the time. Do not recognize this number. NPower have just read my meter, so it was definitely not them. Hope the 3 calls they made cost them international rates.

  35. 0

    Investigator Roberto reported number ‎+441942614100 as unknown

    5/20/14, 7:38 AM

    I received only two calls this number. In both I was told different stories, but it was always just a matter of private data to arrive.

  36. 0

    Investigator hamil reported unknown with the number ‎01942614100 as Trustworthy number

    5/12/14, 7:39 AM

    The caller wanted to find my meter. I do not give such information but low on the phone.

  37. -1

    Dean reported Lowri Beck with the number ‎01942614100 as Trustworthy number

    6/23/17, 12:25 AM

    Lowri Beck Solutions - Legit company subcontracted by loads of energy companies for meter readings (phone or meter op). They get a load of requests from energy companies and go ahead with it, unfortunately their records are limited as they only get sent certain info and sometimes get sent old details.

    If you ever get a call and they ask you to confirm your address and post code, ask them to provide you meter serial number - it is unique to your meter and the only way they would have it is if they installed it, or your energy company gave it to them.

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