Area Code Mauritania: 00222 / +222

If you want to call a number in Mauritania, you have to dial 00222 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Mauritania. The phone number should then look like this: 00222234578978

You can tell if you received a call from Mauritania, by the initial numbers 00222 or +222 in your telephone display.

Favourable dialling codes for Mauritania

Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00222 via Google:

Recently added comments

  1. Sonia reported number ‎0022220221149 as unknown

    2/21/20, 12:06 PM

    Called and hung up without giving any time to answer....

    1 Rating for 0022220221149 (Chinguitel)
  2. iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎+22237151165 as Harassment calls

    4/29/19, 8:54 PM


    1 Rating for +22237151165 (Mattel)
  3. Paul reported unknown with the number ‎+22235740779 as Cost trap

    9/4/15, 9:59 PM

    Just called for 1-2 sec.
    Probably cost trap....

    1 Rating for +22235740779 ()
  4. super1 reported Windows technical department with the number ‎00222088199804 as Cost trap

    5/13/14, 1:44 PM

    Was given this number by an asian sounding lady who said she was from Windows technical department. ...

    1 Rating for 00222088199804 ()

Telephone numbers with 00222

  1. +222 50 ratings and 40623 queries.
  2. 0333 14 ratings and 7951 queries.
  3. 00222166117 10 ratings and 1546 queries.
  4. +22238445889 14 ratings and 2564 queries.
  5. 03412 0 ratings and 1273 queries.
  6. +222925741 3 ratings and 2412 queries.
  7. 02222 0 ratings and 1587 queries.
  8. +22238445691 14 ratings and 1928 queries.
  9. +22233657279 25 ratings and 1852 queries.
  10. 0022234571 1 ratings and 1840 queries.
  11. +22236309399 10 ratings and 1531 queries.
  12. +22233552012 14 ratings and 1501 queries.
  13. +22233552018 8 ratings and 1411 queries.
  14. +22236962661 5 ratings and 1339 queries.
  15. +22233657029 7 ratings and 1159 queries.
  16. +22233657028 4 ratings and 1027 queries.
  17. +22233594215 6 ratings and 1007 queries.
  18. +22246486743 1 ratings and 989 queries.
  19. 031258 0 ratings and 607 queries.
  20. 029860 0 ratings and 602 queries.