Area Code Ivory Coast: 00225 / +225

If you want to call a number in Ivory Coast, you have to dial 00225 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Ivory Coast. The phone number should then look like this: 00225234578978

You can tell if you received a call from Ivory Coast, by the initial numbers 00225 or +225 in your telephone display.

Favourable dialling codes for Ivory Coast

Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00225 via Google:

Recently added comments

  1. iPhone reported number ‎+2250554602325 as unknown

    4/11/24, 9:33 AM

    Cc comment vous allez ?...

    1 Rating for +2250554602325 (MTN)
  2. iPhone reported number ‎+2250758716181 as unknown

    6/4/22, 6:06 AM


    1 Rating for +2250758716181 (Orange)
  3. iPhone reported number ‎+2250504583548 as unknown

    3/30/22, 4:34 PM


    2 Ratings for +2250504583548 (MTN)
  4. iPhone reported number ‎+2250504583548 as unknown

    3/30/22, 4:34 PM


    2 Ratings for +2250504583548 (MTN)
  5. iPhone reported number ‎+2250703213267 as unknown

    1/14/22, 6:14 PM


    1 Rating for +2250703213267 (Orange)

Telephone numbers with 00225

  1. 0022523423234342 1 ratings and 262 queries.
  2. 0022567047259 93 ratings and 66461 queries.
  3. 0022568100701 22 ratings and 25617 queries.
  4. +22569880745 22 ratings and 16347 queries.
  5. +22580011471 26 ratings and 14441 queries.
  6. +22580011273 17 ratings and 10860 queries.
  7. 0022569880501 24 ratings and 7753 queries.
  8. +225964029 2 ratings and 6953 queries.
  9. +2250140137789 24 ratings and 4839 queries.
  10. 0022580011479 21 ratings and 4701 queries.
  11. 0022569881361 7 ratings and 4584 queries.
  12. +22569880723 3 ratings and 4488 queries.
  13. +22541957139 18 ratings and 4169 queries.
  14. +22580011472 4 ratings and 3675 queries.
  15. +22580011488 20 ratings and 3611 queries.
  16. +22572686300 15 ratings and 3329 queries.
  17. 0022569881015 7 ratings and 3156 queries.
  18. 0022580011487 1 ratings and 3105 queries.
  19. +22569880991 8 ratings and 2722 queries.