Area Code Republic of Niger: 00227 / +227

If you want to call a number in Republic of Niger, you have to dial 00227 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Republic of Niger. The phone number should then look like this: 00227234578978

You can tell if you received a call from Republic of Niger, by the initial numbers 00227 or +227 in your telephone display.

Favourable dialling codes for Republic of Niger

Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00227 via Google:

Recently added comments

  1. Jvlscsyytx has been reported with number ‎+22798938987 as Ping Call

    8/26/23, 3:54 PM


    1 Rating for +22798938987 (Airtel)
  2. Roller reported number ‎0022754732588 as unknown

    10/30/17, 11:42 AM

    Scammers. Woman with heavy accent and poor English: "Hello I am from [unintelligible] we am calling ...

    1 Rating for 0022754732588 ()
  3. ASHTREE reported number ‎00227712352 as unknown

    1/12/16, 9:55 AM

    Regular calls from this number but nobody speaks and line goes dead...

    2 Ratings for 00227712352 ()
  4. iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎00227712352 as Harassment calls

    1/11/16, 11:45 AM

    Saying I have a hacker trying to get into my computer and when I said I don't have a computer they h...

    2 Ratings for 00227712352 ()

Telephone numbers with 00227

  1. +22793009163 4 ratings and 3307 queries.
  2. 044 1 ratings and 1957 queries.
  3. 0022720100013 4 ratings and 1849 queries.
  4. 07913 0 ratings and 1013 queries.
  5. 0022720390061 1 ratings and 1180 queries.
  6. 07700 0 ratings and 680 queries.
  7. +227149692 0 ratings and 876 queries.
  8. 0022794479633 1 ratings and 604 queries.
  9. 02620 0 ratings and 611 queries.
  10. 033019 0 ratings and 484 queries.
  11. 04804 0 ratings and 486 queries.
  12. 025314 0 ratings and 496 queries.
  13. 0606070 0 ratings and 498 queries.
  14. 055054 0 ratings and 502 queries.
  15. 0758661 0 ratings and 498 queries.
  16. 04570 0 ratings and 522 queries.
  17. 05381 0 ratings and 495 queries.
  18. 08869 0 ratings and 494 queries.
  19. 0144391 0 ratings and 505 queries.
  20. 042123 0 ratings and 487 queries.