Area Code Equatorial Guinea : 00240 / +240

If you want to call a number in Equatorial Guinea , you have to dial 00240 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Equatorial Guinea . The phone number should then look like this: 00240234578978

You can tell if you received a call from Equatorial Guinea , by the initial numbers 00240 or +240 in your telephone display.

Favourable dialling codes for Equatorial Guinea

Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00240 via Google:

Recently added comments

  1. Investigator Anon reported number ‎+240222754418 as unknown

    2/2/21, 3:04 PM

    Just scammers...

    3 Ratings for +240222754418 (GETESA)
  2. random person reported number ‎+240222754418 as unknown

    2/2/21, 1:48 PM

    This number called me, it ran once and hung up.
    Two other numbers did the same this morning and the...

    3 Ratings for +240222754418 (GETESA)
  3. iPhone reported number ‎+240222754418 as unknown

    2/2/21, 12:14 PM


    3 Ratings for +240222754418 (GETESA)
  4. iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎+240222754415 as Harassment calls

    1/28/21, 1:24 PM


    1 Rating for +240222754415 (GETESA)
  5. Trish reported unknown with the number ‎0024052016 as Harassment calls

    9/21/16, 12:12 PM

    Have been called 3 times in 24 hrs by this number claiming to be BT Openreach. Was told to that old ...

    9 Ratings for 0024052016 (Muni)

Telephone numbers with 00240

  1. +240991347015 11 ratings and 2443 queries.
  2. 00240222200318 11 ratings and 2284 queries.
  3. +240222495795 5 ratings and 1299 queries.
  4. 0024051975343 1 ratings and 1218 queries.
  5. 00992 0 ratings and 782 queries.
  6. 0024052016 9 ratings and 1098 queries.
  7. 04618 0 ratings and 481 queries.
  8. +240556006900 1 ratings and 880 queries.
  9. 00240222537718 1 ratings and 521 queries.
  10. 054795370 0 ratings and 455 queries.
  11. 075105 0 ratings and 436 queries.
  12. 047003 0 ratings and 503 queries.
  13. +240221 3 ratings and 724 queries.
  14. 063037547 0 ratings and 444 queries.
  15. 042949 0 ratings and 486 queries.
  16. 054511 0 ratings and 462 queries.
  17. 086350 0 ratings and 466 queries.
  18. 04455 0 ratings and 462 queries.
  19. 054221625 0 ratings and 449 queries.
  20. 0787342 0 ratings and 429 queries.