Area Code Republik Kongo: 00242 / +242

If you want to call a number in Republik Kongo, you have to dial 00242 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Republik Kongo. The phone number should then look like this: 00242234578978

You can tell if you received a call from Republik Kongo, by the initial numbers 00242 or +242 in your telephone display.

Favourable dialling codes for Republik Kongo

Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00242 via Google:

Recently added comments

  1. iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎+242220314508 as Cost trap

    8/16/21, 3:53 PM


    1 Rating for +242220314508 ()
  2. iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎+242220302258 as Cost trap

    8/16/21, 3:52 PM


    1 Rating for +242220302258 ()
  3. Sakyo reported unknown with the number ‎+242222169411 as Ping Call

    3/3/20, 10:08 AM

    On 3th of March 2020...

    1 Rating for +242222169411 (Cuvette)
  4. unknown has been reported with number ‎+242222398540 as Ping Call

    12/18/19, 7:28 PM


    1 Rating for +242222398540 (Pool)
  5. unknown has been reported with number ‎+242222269003 as Ping Call

    12/18/19, 7:26 PM


    1 Rating for +242222269003 (Likouala, Sangha)

Telephone numbers with 00242

  1. +242801130430 25 ratings and 4620 queries.
  2. +242801130410 14 ratings and 3564 queries.
  3. +242222207896 5 ratings and 3248 queries.
  4. 00242222575588 2 ratings and 2582 queries.
  5. +242801130417 20 ratings and 2463 queries.
  6. +242711043374 10 ratings and 2302 queries.
  7. +242801130442 8 ratings and 2196 queries.
  8. +242711040380 7 ratings and 1909 queries.
  9. +242800112287 1 ratings and 0 queries.
  10. +242801130493 11 ratings and 1484 queries.
  11. 00242800105809 3 ratings and 1394 queries.
  12. +242801130451 3 ratings and 1216 queries.
  13. +242017491793 10 ratings and 1155 queries.
  14. +242040611003 10 ratings and 1115 queries.
  15. +242017491467 10 ratings and 1041 queries.
  16. +242800112115 1 ratings and 0 queries.
  17. 00242069450939 0 ratings and 731 queries.
  18. +242017491693 5 ratings and 955 queries.
  19. 03641 0 ratings and 510 queries.
  20. +2421 1 ratings and 902 queries.