Area Code Kongo Demokr. Republik: 00243 / +243

If you want to call a number in Kongo Demokr. Republik, you have to dial 00243 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Kongo Demokr. Republik. The phone number should then look like this: 00243234578978

You can tell if you received a call from Kongo Demokr. Republik, by the initial numbers 00243 or +243 in your telephone display.

Favourable dialling codes for Kongo Demokr. Republik

Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00243 via Google:

Recently added comments

  1. Android reported number ‎+243898056844 as unknown

    1/30/24, 2:58 AM


    1 Rating for +243898056844 (Orange)
  2. unknown has been reported with number ‎+243805866925 as Aggressive advertising

    7/20/23, 5:26 PM

    Automated caller offering online job and insisting if I would like an online interview right now....

    1 Rating for +243805866925 (Orange)
  3. iPhone reported number ‎+243992296355 as unknown

    2/19/23, 2:34 PM


    1 Rating for +243992296355 (Airtel)
  4. CML reported number ‎+243832554493 as unknown

    11/17/22, 10:48 AM

    need to know who's callin...who's number allocated to.......

    1 Rating for +243832554493 (Vodacom)
  5. LPen reported number ‎+243997674174 as unknown

    11/25/19, 12:42 PM

    Unexpected call from unknown number in the Congo...

    2 Ratings for +243997674174 (Airtel)

Telephone numbers with 00243

  1. +243809800362 38 ratings and 37510 queries.
  2. +243899413090 20 ratings and 2421 queries.
  3. +243899413008 15 ratings and 2025 queries.
  4. +243895505177 1 ratings and 1383 queries.
  5. +243819090224 3 ratings and 1350 queries.
  6. +243885490111 3 ratings and 1271 queries.
  7. +243887491020 7 ratings and 1030 queries.
  8. +2434300035 8 ratings and 1023 queries.
  9. +243895505178 2 ratings and 900 queries.
  10. 073467 0 ratings and 512 queries.
  11. 00243896977780 1 ratings and 595 queries.
  12. 027690 0 ratings and 496 queries.
  13. 06382861 0 ratings and 455 queries.
  14. 0997290722 0 ratings and 466 queries.
  15. 051001 0 ratings and 520 queries.
  16. 065756754 0 ratings and 448 queries.
  17. 00243823567268 0 ratings and 498 queries.
  18. 00243899779243 0 ratings and 530 queries.
  19. 00243899256955 0 ratings and 504 queries.
  20. 05353 0 ratings and 490 queries.