Area Code Guinea-Bissau: 00245 / +245

If you want to call a number in Guinea-Bissau, you have to dial 00245 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Guinea-Bissau. The phone number should then look like this: 00245234578978

You can tell if you received a call from Guinea-Bissau, by the initial numbers 00245 or +245 in your telephone display.

Favourable dialling codes for Guinea-Bissau

Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00245 via Google:

Recently added comments

  1. iPhone reported number ‎+2454097070 as unknown

    10/3/20, 10:16 AM


    2 Ratings for +2454097070 ()
  2. iPhone reported number ‎+2454097070 as unknown

    10/1/20, 12:38 PM


    2 Ratings for +2454097070 ()
  3. Canary reported number ‎0024522145 as BTOpenreach

    2/10/17, 3:06 PM

    Claimed to be from BT Openreach. Before proceeding with the call I told him I needed to do some sec...

    4 Ratings for 0024522145 ()
  4. pig hunter reported Defense Windows Protector with the number ‎0024522145 as Cost trap

    10/27/16, 1:18 PM

    they were looking for the windows computer in the house, because it downloaded a Red box File. they ...

    4 Ratings for 0024522145 ()

Telephone numbers with 00245

  1. 0024522145 4 ratings and 3873 queries.
  2. 00245071218 11 ratings and 1402 queries.
  3. +2454900923 1 ratings and 709 queries.
  4. 07911 1 ratings and 751 queries.
  5. 07116 0 ratings and 602 queries.
  6. 063512 0 ratings and 543 queries.
  7. 031531 0 ratings and 540 queries.
  8. 07495 0 ratings and 634 queries.
  9. 002453691 0 ratings and 565 queries.
  10. 002455124 0 ratings and 529 queries.
  11. 0366245 0 ratings and 522 queries.
  12. 017655555 0 ratings and 501 queries.
  13. 057802 0 ratings and 489 queries.
  14. 03602 0 ratings and 547 queries.
  15. 07338 0 ratings and 559 queries.
  16. 024040 0 ratings and 528 queries.
  17. 03046 0 ratings and 516 queries.
  18. 06135908 0 ratings and 502 queries.
  19. 01033344 0 ratings and 512 queries.
  20. 02420427 0 ratings and 497 queries.