Area Code Ascension Island: 00247 / +247

If you want to call a number in Ascension Island, you have to dial 00247 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Ascension Island. The phone number should then look like this: 00247234578978

You can tell if you received a call from Ascension Island, by the initial numbers 00247 or +247 in your telephone display.

Favourable dialling codes for Ascension Island

Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00247 via Google:

Recently added comments

  1. rip reported number ‎002476341299 as unknown

    10/14/19, 4:01 PM

    did not leave a message when asked ????...

    1 Rating for 002476341299 ()
  2. Anon reported unknown with the number ‎002476584126 as Harassment calls

    11/21/16, 2:10 PM

    Repeatedly asked to speak to my husband; I asked who was calling, he refused to say; I asked him (po...

    2 Ratings for 002476584126 ()
  3. chunky reported number ‎002476584126 as unknown

    9/5/16, 10:13 AM

    Number has repeatedly called, never leaves a message. Not known to me, but I begin to distrust any ...

    2 Ratings for 002476584126 ()

Telephone numbers with 00247

  1. +247121171 16 ratings and 22348 queries.
  2. +24740177777 22 ratings and 11793 queries.
  3. +24740155555 20 ratings and 9216 queries.
  4. +24740188888 33 ratings and 8919 queries.
  5. +247551555 10 ratings and 2671 queries.
  6. +247111384 11 ratings and 2196 queries.
  7. +247120155 1 ratings and 2134 queries.
  8. +247111385 10 ratings and 1877 queries.
  9. +247813398 0 ratings and 1615 queries.
  10. +247151101 2 ratings and 1610 queries.
  11. +247120160 1 ratings and 1580 queries.
  12. +247120161 9 ratings and 1505 queries.
  13. +247111386 4 ratings and 1439 queries.
  14. +247151099 5 ratings and 1369 queries.
  15. 03370 0 ratings and 606 queries.
  16. 015225 0 ratings and 566 queries.
  17. 01510 0 ratings and 754 queries.
  18. +247813214 5 ratings and 1017 queries.
  19. +247050000 2 ratings and 980 queries.
  20. +247120101 0 ratings and 890 queries.