Area Code Sudan: 00249 / +249

If you want to call a number in Sudan, you have to dial 00249 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Sudan. The phone number should then look like this: 00249234578978

You can tell if you received a call from Sudan, by the initial numbers 00249 or +249 in your telephone display.

Favourable dialling codes for Sudan

Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00249 via Google:

Recently added comments

  1. iPhone reported number ‎+24992028817 as unknown

    6/16/21, 9:39 PM


    1 Rating for +24992028817 (MTN)
  2. Investigator sadsof reported number ‎+2490455 as unknown

    7/13/15, 7:31 AM

    they call me from this number0045 888 888 888 and they give this code 785245
    i don't what they wan...

    1 Rating for +2490455 ()

Telephone numbers with 00249

  1. 00455 1 ratings and 3886 queries.
  2. +249100953612 14 ratings and 2361 queries.
  3. +249100953379 7 ratings and 1781 queries.
  4. +249100953607 1 ratings and 1586 queries.
  5. 00249912902373 0 ratings and 985 queries.
  6. +249100953682 6 ratings and 1229 queries.
  7. 00249100953689 2 ratings and 1124 queries.
  8. 00249918684343 1 ratings and 929 queries.
  9. 00249540307 2 ratings and 997 queries.
  10. +249905529589 1 ratings and 705 queries.
  11. 00914755455 0 ratings and 487 queries.
  12. 00249921750247 1 ratings and 502 queries.
  13. 0166332 0 ratings and 434 queries.
  14. 0024992998400 1 ratings and 510 queries.
  15. 09043233152 0 ratings and 445 queries.
  16. 0912306410 0 ratings and 427 queries.
  17. 0901702416 0 ratings and 410 queries.
  18. 00249100953688 4 ratings and 716 queries.
  19. +249915884862 0 ratings and 493 queries.
  20. 00249912214576 0 ratings and 460 queries.