Area Code Somalia: 00252 / +252

If you want to call a number in Somalia, you have to dial 00252 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Somalia. The phone number should then look like this: 00252234578978

You can tell if you received a call from Somalia, by the initial numbers 00252 or +252 in your telephone display.

Favourable dialling codes for Somalia

Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00252 via Google:

Recently added comments

  1. Mike reported number ‎+252634138431 as unknown

    1/7/25, 2:22 PM


    1 Rating for +252634138431 (Telesom)
  2. iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎+2528306226129 as Aggressive advertising

    10/11/21, 12:04 PM


    1 Rating for +2528306226129 ()
  3. iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎+252634420019 as Ping Call

    5/16/21, 9:41 AM


    1 Rating for +252634420019 (Telesom)
  4. iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎+25258003027 as Harassment calls

    12/24/20, 9:44 AM


    1 Rating for +25258003027 ()
  5. Raymond reported unknown with the number ‎+25272617235 as Cost trap

    1/29/20, 6:55 PM

    This number has called several times over the past few days and only rung once barely so I presume i...

    1 Rating for +25272617235 ()

Telephone numbers with 00252

  1. 002521203619 14 ratings and 11327 queries.
  2. +2521203615 12 ratings and 6195 queries.
  3. 002521203613 15 ratings and 715 queries.
  4. +25254548080 4 ratings and 5101 queries.
  5. 002521203632 6 ratings and 3166 queries.
  6. 0025299334694 10 ratings and 2767 queries.
  7. 002521203614 6 ratings and 2753 queries.
  8. 03354897 0 ratings and 503 queries.
  9. +25299609569 5 ratings and 2360 queries.
  10. +252634387631 1 ratings and 2084 queries.
  11. +252634130754 13 ratings and 2016 queries.
  12. 002521203680 5 ratings and 476 queries.
  13. 07880 0 ratings and 1407 queries.
  14. 02000 0 ratings and 1341 queries.
  15. +2522230032 0 ratings and 608 queries.
  16. 002521201977 7 ratings and 1227 queries.
  17. 002521203628 2 ratings and 1223 queries.
  18. +2521202913 3 ratings and 1195 queries.
  19. +2521202914 4 ratings and 1150 queries.
  20. 0025250843018 1 ratings and 1056 queries.