Area Code Djibouti: 00253 / +253
If you want to call a number in Djibouti, you have to dial 00253 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Djibouti. The phone number should then look like this: 00253234578978
You can tell if you received a call from Djibouti, by the initial numbers 00253 or +253 in your telephone display.
Favourable dialling codes for Djibouti
Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00253 via Google:
Recently added comments
Momo reported number 00253820308 as Mike Brown
Definitely the 'Microsoft Error' scam. Got me to get the event viewer up (run eventvwr). Then ...
12 Ratings for 00253820308 () -
andy reported number 00253820308 as nob
leave the old ones a lone you losers ...
12 Ratings for 00253820308 () -
sd uk reported number +2538020308 as unknown
Pick up phone and its dead, or pick up the phone and a bloke, possibly Indian and sounds like it is ...
2 Ratings for +2538020308 ()
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The number 002538898975 has been assigned to unknown
SCAM, pretends to be BT and wants access to my computer. I'm not even with BT. Block and report thes...
1 Rating for 002538898975 ()