Area Code Kenya: 00254 / +254
If you want to call a number in Kenya, you have to dial 00254 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Kenya. The phone number should then look like this: 00254234578978
You can tell if you received a call from Kenya, by the initial numbers 00254 or +254 in your telephone display.
Favourable dialling codes for Kenya
Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00254 via Google:
Recently added comments
Defender RonGould reported number +254716914181 as unknown
possible scam....
1 Rating for +254716914181 (Safaricom) -
Investigator jeremiah reported jane with the number +25473296301 as Trustworthy number
just want to know her location a miss her...
1 Rating for +25473296301 (Airtel) -
Investigator moses reported mcl with the number +254722828949 as Harassment calls
txting past midnight and when you call back the phone is off...
1 Rating for +254722828949 (Safaricom) -
Investigator bidish reported number +254725218533 as sonia
i love as a friend bidish...
1 Rating for +254725218533 (Safaricom)
Telephone numbers with 00254
- +25465 2 ratings and 2795 queries.
- +254757312517 1 ratings and 2192 queries.
- 044458847 0 ratings and 480 queries.
- +2547 4 ratings and 805 queries.
- 0025464428 0 ratings and 479 queries.
- 0789330 0 ratings and 425 queries.
- 06316965 0 ratings and 413 queries.
- 02913575 0 ratings and 413 queries.
- 01760270 0 ratings and 395 queries.
- 020777 0 ratings and 522 queries.
- 03233525 0 ratings and 417 queries.
- 00721840334 0 ratings and 425 queries.
- 0722505411 0 ratings and 426 queries.
- 07220026 0 ratings and 420 queries.
- 07781512 0 ratings and 430 queries.
- 072668 0 ratings and 416 queries.
- 07780607 0 ratings and 407 queries.
- +254 3 ratings and 599 queries.
- 07224540 0 ratings and 417 queries.
- 0546096 0 ratings and 397 queries.
Android reported Kenya with the number +254705256670 as Harassment calls
1 Rating for +254705256670 (Safaricom)