Area Code Mozambique: 00258 / +258
If you want to call a number in Mozambique, you have to dial 00258 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Mozambique. The phone number should then look like this: 00258234578978
You can tell if you received a call from Mozambique, by the initial numbers 00258 or +258 in your telephone display.
Favourable dialling codes for Mozambique
Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00258 via Google:
Recently added comments
trevorcaji reported number 00258900076 as unknown
Didn't answer because I don't know anyone in Mozambique so it must be spam...
1 Rating for 00258900076 ()
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- 0847581915 1 ratings and 680 queries.
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- 099606 0 ratings and 380 queries.
- 021835 0 ratings and 455 queries.
- +258843842420 0 ratings and 420 queries.
- 015978 0 ratings and 411 queries.
- 021737902 0 ratings and 403 queries.
- 018787 0 ratings and 410 queries.
- 021736004 0 ratings and 398 queries.
- 00258554236 1 ratings and 593 queries.
- 0828749914 0 ratings and 384 queries.
- 099456 0 ratings and 403 queries.
- 0826887610 0 ratings and 383 queries.
- 0362154 0 ratings and 393 queries.
- 0847487170 0 ratings and 378 queries.
- 01933911 0 ratings and 372 queries.
- 02654085 0 ratings and 358 queries.
Investigator RUI AIUBA BRAIMO reported +258845175845 with the number +258847581915 as Telemarketer
1 Rating for +258847581915 ()