Area Code Zambia: 00260 / +260

If you want to call a number in Zambia, you have to dial 00260 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Zambia. The phone number should then look like this: 00260234578978

You can tell if you received a call from Zambia, by the initial numbers 00260 or +260 in your telephone display.

Favourable dialling codes for Zambia

Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00260 via Google:

Recently added comments

  1. iPhone reported number ‎+260977132062 as unknown

    4/11/23, 9:44 AM


    1 Rating for +260977132062 (Airtel)
  2. iPhone reported number ‎+260964228714 as unknown

    11/20/21, 1:24 PM

    Call from Zambia calls and hang up when answered...

    1 Rating for +260964228714 (MTN)
  3. The number ‎+260968999845 has been assigned to unknown

    11/17/21, 2:05 PM

    Phone rang. Didn't answer. 1471. Unknown to me....

    1 Rating for +260968999845 (MTN)
  4. Android reported number ‎+260960526692 as unknown

    12/10/20, 11:09 AM


    1 Rating for +260960526692 (MTN)
  5. mitac reported unknown with the number ‎002604721852 as Cost trap

    6/29/16, 8:48 PM

    say from talktalk woman but had my details address etc but asked if my account was 123456 I knew it...

    1 Rating for 002604721852 ()

Telephone numbers with 00260

  1. 00260953711983 1 ratings and 1481 queries.
  2. 00050 0 ratings and 1015 queries.
  3. 00260396004492 0 ratings and 704 queries.
  4. 00260001 0 ratings and 445 queries.
  5. +260958630204 2 ratings and 992 queries.
  6. 002609601 4 ratings and 456 queries.
  7. 01800 1 ratings and 582 queries.
  8. 019832 0 ratings and 410 queries.
  9. 08452 0 ratings and 425 queries.
  10. 091882 0 ratings and 379 queries.
  11. 02180306 0 ratings and 380 queries.
  12. 08765 0 ratings and 412 queries.
  13. 02134041 0 ratings and 374 queries.
  14. 021277 0 ratings and 458 queries.
  15. 00260977222383 0 ratings and 422 queries.
  16. 04315 0 ratings and 375 queries.
  17. 003449197307 0 ratings and 413 queries.
  18. 052249 0 ratings and 418 queries.
  19. 03936796 0 ratings and 334 queries.
  20. 031672 0 ratings and 388 queries.