Area Code Zimbabwe: 00263 / +263

If you want to call a number in Zimbabwe, you have to dial 00263 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Zimbabwe. The phone number should then look like this: 00263234578978

You can tell if you received a call from Zimbabwe, by the initial numbers 00263 or +263 in your telephone display.

Favourable dialling codes for Zimbabwe

Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00263 via Google:

Recently added comments

  1. madz reported number ‎+263785554000 as unknown

    12/25/22, 9:55 PM

    there was no identification of the caller...

    1 Rating for +263785554000 (Econet)
  2. iPhone reported number ‎+263772904973 as unknown

    1/7/21, 10:41 AM


    1 Rating for +263772904973 (Econet)
  3. iPhone reported number ‎+263772904972 as unknown

    1/7/21, 10:40 AM


    1 Rating for +263772904972 (Econet)
  4. iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎+263772904978 as Harassment calls

    1/6/21, 9:31 PM


    1 Rating for +263772904978 (Econet)
  5. iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎+263772904949 as Harassment calls

    1/6/21, 8:48 PM


    1 Rating for +263772904949 (Econet)

Telephone numbers with 00263

  1. 002639684420 9 ratings and 2938 queries.
  2. +263787636251 14 ratings and 2763 queries.
  3. +263787636252 7 ratings and 2371 queries.
  4. 00385 1 ratings and 1144 queries.
  5. +263782970144 5 ratings and 1376 queries.
  6. +263770004132 2 ratings and 1267 queries.
  7. +263770377841 6 ratings and 1164 queries.
  8. +263772717482 4 ratings and 1000 queries.
  9. +263773033172 3 ratings and 1018 queries.
  10. +263771172372 3 ratings and 1015 queries.
  11. +263772717483 2 ratings and 814 queries.
  12. 008591 0 ratings and 421 queries.
  13. 00263783880455 1 ratings and 741 queries.
  14. 079740 0 ratings and 383 queries.
  15. 00263948047 1 ratings and 709 queries.
  16. 093041 0 ratings and 376 queries.
  17. 0775057670 0 ratings and 366 queries.
  18. 0772368381 0 ratings and 367 queries.
  19. 00263773913333 0 ratings and 417 queries.
  20. 048828 0 ratings and 367 queries.