Area Code Malawi: 00265 / +265

If you want to call a number in Malawi, you have to dial 00265 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Malawi. The phone number should then look like this: 00265234578978

You can tell if you received a call from Malawi, by the initial numbers 00265 or +265 in your telephone display.

Favourable dialling codes for Malawi

Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00265 via Google:

Recently added comments

  1. unknown has been reported with number ‎+265990922660 as Telemarketer

    1/12/23, 12:20 PM

    What's app message out if the blue about recruitment. Instantly blocked....

    1 Rating for +265990922660 (Airtel)
  2. Dp reported unknown with the number ‎+265992270711 as Cost trap

    8/1/20, 11:08 PM

    Don’t call back...

    1 Rating for +265992270711 (Airtel)

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  7. 02530 0 ratings and 414 queries.
  8. 0400951129 0 ratings and 333 queries.
  9. 07292 0 ratings and 422 queries.
  10. +26587026 0 ratings and 404 queries.
  11. 00326512 0 ratings and 378 queries.
  12. 0026508044113 0 ratings and 392 queries.
  13. 06543 0 ratings and 378 queries.
  14. 02655 0 ratings and 390 queries.
  15. 031009 0 ratings and 366 queries.
  16. 054003 0 ratings and 377 queries.
  17. 02532 0 ratings and 340 queries.
  18. 085085 0 ratings and 365 queries.
  19. 059672 0 ratings and 362 queries.
  20. 07809628 0 ratings and 353 queries.