Area Code Lesotho: 00266 / +266

If you want to call a number in Lesotho, you have to dial 00266 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Lesotho. The phone number should then look like this: 00266234578978

You can tell if you received a call from Lesotho, by the initial numbers 00266 or +266 in your telephone display.

Favourable dialling codes for Lesotho

Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00266 via Google:

Recently added comments

  1. iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎+26622311255 as Harassment calls

    9/20/24, 3:00 PM


    2 Ratings for +26622311255 (Maseru)
  2. iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎+26622311363 as Harassment calls

    9/11/24, 12:33 PM


    1 Rating for +26622311363 (Maseru)
  3. iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎+266224073077 as Harassment calls

    8/30/24, 5:15 PM


    2 Ratings for +266224073077 (Maseru)
  4. Wattwurm reported unknown with the number ‎+26621901389 as Ping Call

    8/4/24, 3:48 PM


    2 Ratings for +26621901389 ()
  5. iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎+26621901389 as Harassment calls

    7/29/24, 4:00 PM


    2 Ratings for +26621901389 ()

Telephone numbers with 00266

  1. 026 4 ratings and 3842 queries.
  2. +26661806764 7 ratings and 1228 queries.
  3. 0910 0 ratings and 931 queries.
  4. 002669926699 0 ratings and 434 queries.
  5. +2666 4 ratings and 774 queries.
  6. 0733379 0 ratings and 393 queries.
  7. 048686 0 ratings and 532 queries.
  8. 018790 0 ratings and 396 queries.
  9. 0250539 0 ratings and 363 queries.
  10. 087355 0 ratings and 386 queries.
  11. 03613 0 ratings and 450 queries.
  12. 080893 0 ratings and 387 queries.
  13. +26688888888 3 ratings and 666 queries.
  14. +2662325279 0 ratings and 441 queries.
  15. 05740 0 ratings and 421 queries.
  16. 013506 0 ratings and 413 queries.
  17. 087730 0 ratings and 421 queries.
  18. 0195890 0 ratings and 399 queries.
  19. 02280800 0 ratings and 401 queries.
  20. 02307412 0 ratings and 401 queries.