Area Code St. Helena: 00290 / +290

If you want to call a number in St. Helena, you have to dial 00290 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of St. Helena. The phone number should then look like this: 00290234578978

You can tell if you received a call from St. Helena, by the initial numbers 00290 or +290 in your telephone display.

Favourable dialling codes for St. Helena

Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00290 via Google:

Recently added comments

  1. Tramy reported unknown with the number ‎00290209905 as Harassment calls

    10/4/17, 9:52 PM

    no one i know in that country...

    1 Rating for 00290209905 ()

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  4. +290721116 1 ratings and 999 queries.
  5. +290711100 0 ratings and 962 queries.
  6. 0029021160 0 ratings and 720 queries.
  7. 0029092730281 1 ratings and 846 queries.
  8. 030621 0 ratings and 377 queries.
  9. 074433 0 ratings and 363 queries.
  10. 045539 0 ratings and 358 queries.
  11. 049308 0 ratings and 467 queries.
  12. 046872 0 ratings and 355 queries.
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  14. 07177 0 ratings and 423 queries.
  15. 036021 0 ratings and 364 queries.
  16. 031995 0 ratings and 363 queries.
  17. 086329 0 ratings and 357 queries.
  18. 02599002 0 ratings and 351 queries.
  19. +29001111 0 ratings and 430 queries.
  20. 002902501 0 ratings and 418 queries.