Area Code Aruba : 00297 / +297

If you want to call a number in Aruba , you have to dial 00297 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Aruba . The phone number should then look like this: 00297234578978

You can tell if you received a call from Aruba , by the initial numbers 00297 or +297 in your telephone display.

Favourable dialling codes for Aruba

Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00297 via Google:

Recently added comments

  1. sony reported number ‎+2976408539 as sony

    11/7/12, 9:12 PM

    i have been getting calls from this number +2976408539 & from similar numbers since last few days..b...

    1 Rating for +2976408539 (Digicel)
  2. Investigator Mrs. Meena K reported unknown with the number ‎+2976408530 as Harassment calls

    11/6/12, 4:37 PM

    Keeps receiving calls from dis no. happened once in morning today but did not replied. Pls. Search w...

    1 Rating for +2976408530 (Digicel)
  3. zany reported number ‎+2976408538 as unknown

    11/6/12, 6:45 AM

    The caller cuts the line after I answer the phone..and wants me to call back so I will be charged at...

    1 Rating for +2976408538 (Digicel)

Telephone numbers with 00297

  1. +2975863859 12 ratings and 1772 queries.
  2. +2976 1 ratings and 1127 queries.
  3. 002976408835 0 ratings and 1211 queries.
  4. +2976408539 1 ratings and 436 queries.
  5. +2976408831 0 ratings and 373 queries.
  6. +2976408879 6 ratings and 929 queries.
  7. +2976408538 1 ratings and 425 queries.
  8. 00297070600 15 ratings and 804 queries.
  9. 002976919 4 ratings and 782 queries.
  10. +2976408881 2 ratings and 783 queries.
  11. +2976408834 0 ratings and 377 queries.
  12. +2976408532 0 ratings and 379 queries.
  13. +2976408531 0 ratings and 384 queries.
  14. +2976408530 1 ratings and 445 queries.
  15. +2976408513 0 ratings and 362 queries.
  16. +2976408548 0 ratings and 457 queries.
  17. +2976408832 0 ratings and 372 queries.
  18. +2976408833 0 ratings and 391 queries.
  19. +2976408533 0 ratings and 360 queries.
  20. +2976408536 0 ratings and 378 queries.