Area Code Färöer : 00298 / +298
If you want to call a number in Färöer , you have to dial 00298 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Färöer . The phone number should then look like this: 00298234578978
You can tell if you received a call from Färöer , by the initial numbers 00298 or +298 in your telephone display.
Favourable dialling codes for Färöer
Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00298 via Google:
Telephone numbers with 00298
- 00298652200 1 ratings and 471 queries.
- 0029853918 0 ratings and 325 queries.
- +298985110 0 ratings and 320 queries.
- 002986561572460 0 ratings and 308 queries.
- +298319309 0 ratings and 311 queries.
- +29809054 0 ratings and 315 queries.
- 0029819748743 0 ratings and 306 queries.
- +29851655 0 ratings and 328 queries.
- +298316660 0 ratings and 327 queries.
- +298316464 0 ratings and 364 queries.
- 00112980298656157246 0 ratings and 384 queries.
- +29849480 0 ratings and 361 queries.
- +298221838 0 ratings and 310 queries.
- 002988889176 0 ratings and 320 queries.
- +298217033 0 ratings and 317 queries.
- 00298172120 0 ratings and 308 queries.
- 0011298029819748743 0 ratings and 302 queries.
- 00112980298172120 0 ratings and 295 queries.
- 0011298029853918 0 ratings and 297 queries.
- 00298277862 0 ratings and 297 queries.