Area Code Belgium: 0032 / +32
If you want to call a number in Belgium, you have to dial 0032 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Belgium. The phone number should then look like this: 0032234578978
You can tell if you received a call from Belgium, by the initial numbers 0032 or +32 in your telephone display.
Favourable dialling codes for Belgium
Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 0032 via Google:
Recently added comments
iPhone reported unknown with the number +32463041054 as Cost trap
1 Rating for +32463041054 (Liège) -
The number +3292749418 has been assigned to unknown
Rings, I pick up, other site doesn't say anything, other site disconnects immediately....
2 Ratings for +3292749418 (Gand) -
iPhone reported unknown with the number +32487222328 as Harassment calls
1 Rating for +32487222328 (Liège)
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- 0032343906499 0 ratings and 320 queries.
- 003264319090199 0 ratings and 306 queries.
- 0032291978196 0 ratings and 237 queries.
- 0032692939297 0 ratings and 241 queries.
- 00322409020 0 ratings and 223 queries.
- 003261287477837 0 ratings and 269 queries.
- 0032819793001 0 ratings and 229 queries.
- 0032291974749 0 ratings and 241 queries.
- 0032291974733 0 ratings and 42 queries.
- 0032689795 0 ratings and 207 queries.
- 0032692959692 0 ratings and 244 queries.
- 00322454001 0 ratings and 246 queries.
- 003268193764926 0 ratings and 273 queries.
The number +32478608962 has been assigned to unknown
Missed call, no voicemail...
1 Rating for +32478608962 (Proximus)