Area Code Spain: 0034 / +34
If you want to call a number in Spain, you have to dial 0034 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Spain. The phone number should then look like this: 0034234578978
You can tell if you received a call from Spain, by the initial numbers 0034 or +34 in your telephone display.
Favourable dialling codes for Spain
Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 0034 via Google:
Recently added comments
iPhone reported unknown with the number +34603204647 as Cost trap
2 Ratings for +34603204647 (Yoigo) -
psa reported offerta di laviro with the number +34624681695 as SMS spam
Truffa offerta di lavoro....
1 Rating for +34624681695 (DigiMobil) -
Dodil reported unknown with the number +34670779961 as Ping Call
An automated voice wanted me to add them to Whatsapp "to chat about work"...
1 Rating for +34670779961 (Vodafone)
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- 0034662991941 144 ratings and 343838 queries.
- 00343092702890 0 ratings and 241 queries.
- 0034935010140 116 ratings and 299924 queries.
- 0034972723949 0 ratings and 29 queries.
- 0034932142200 161 ratings and 291397 queries.
- 0034021156156001 0 ratings and 10 queries.
- 0034912041600 253 ratings and 283002 queries.
- 0034171064429 0 ratings and 205 queries.
- 0034607122124 117 ratings and 261482 queries.
- 0034040808195800 0 ratings and 4 queries.
- 0034662997080 112 ratings and 231075 queries.
- 0034662991273 96 ratings and 230291 queries.
iPhone reported number +34603204647 as unknown
Frode dalla Spagna...
2 Ratings for +34603204647 (Yoigo)