Area Code Ireland: 00353 / +353

If you want to call a number in Ireland, you have to dial 00353 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Ireland. The phone number should then look like this: 00353234578978

You can tell if you received a call from Ireland, by the initial numbers 00353 or +353 in your telephone display.

Favourable dialling codes for Ireland

Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00353 via Google:

Recently added comments

  1. Giulio reported unknown with the number ‎+35316761493 as Trustworthy number

    12/12/24, 7:32 PM


    1 Rating for +35316761493 (Dublin)
  2. Android reported unknown with the number ‎+35315418000 as Trustworthy number

    6/30/24, 4:46 PM


    1 Rating for +35315418000 (Premium Rate)
  3. dannyts reported unknown with the number ‎+35315884124 as Cost trap

    2/12/24, 8:49 AM

    Caller say they are from ServiceNow, asking for a call back. as this is a premium rate number this w...

    1 Rating for +35315884124 (Premium Rate)
  4. unknown has been reported with number ‎+35340439232 as Harassment calls

    8/25/23, 4:23 PM


    1 Rating for +35340439232 (Wicklow)
  5. unknown has been reported with number ‎+35319067863 as Harassment calls

    8/25/23, 4:22 PM


    1 Rating for +35319067863 (Dublin)

Telephone numbers with 00353

  1. 003538006783393 0 ratings and 62 queries.
  2. 0035317061200 82 ratings and 211625 queries.
  3. 0035315231400 244 ratings and 161426 queries.
  4. 0035323423234342 1 ratings and 172 queries.
  5. 0035320121960850 1 ratings and 116 queries.
  6. 003533037201234 0 ratings and 79 queries.
  7. 003538635098 0 ratings and 283 queries.
  8. 00353115524000 0 ratings and 39 queries.
  9. 0035312487053 46 ratings and 86064 queries.
  10. +35315008300 140 ratings and 79593 queries.
  11. +35316531448 250 ratings and 78269 queries.
  12. 003538056377243 0 ratings and 35 queries.
  13. 0035312037000 45 ratings and 69647 queries.
  14. 0035317061100 48 ratings and 66934 queries.
  15. 0035317652760 28 ratings and 112509 queries.
  16. 0035312458600 24 ratings and 65942 queries.
  17. 0035312037800 29 ratings and 59414 queries.
  18. 00353860574095 68 ratings and 60159 queries.
  19. 003538000232635 0 ratings and 91 queries.
  20. 0035333 0 ratings and 0 queries.