Area Code Albania: 00355 / +355

If you want to call a number in Albania, you have to dial 00355 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Albania. The phone number should then look like this: 00355234578978

You can tell if you received a call from Albania, by the initial numbers 00355 or +355 in your telephone display.

Favourable dialling codes for Albania

Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00355 via Google:

Recently added comments

  1. Mimoumba reported unknown with the number ‎+355672709585 as Cost trap

    11/25/22, 12:19 PM

    Bonjour ce numéro vient de m'appeler mais nous avons même pas effectué une conversion...

    1 Rating for +355672709585 (ALBtelecom)
  2. iPhone reported number ‎+355688433519 as unknown

    5/19/22, 8:51 PM


    1 Rating for +355688433519 (Telekom)
  3. iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎+355682138030 as Ping Call

    12/25/21, 7:25 AM


    1 Rating for +355682138030 (Telekom)
  4. iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎+355682139614 as Ping Call

    12/25/21, 7:24 AM


    1 Rating for +355682139614 (Telekom)
  5. iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎+355684434547 as Aggressive advertising

    9/26/21, 8:59 AM

    DAll’Albania chiamano alle 3 di notte...

    1 Rating for +355684434547 (Telekom)

Telephone numbers with 00355

  1. 00355243371010 0 ratings and 152 queries.
  2. +3556 3 ratings and 7356 queries.
  3. +355680311883 41 ratings and 5028 queries.
  4. +355672042848 18 ratings and 4260 queries.
  5. 00355672084270 18 ratings and 4018 queries.
  6. +355685337299 5 ratings and 2728 queries.
  7. +355690732167 10 ratings and 1960 queries.
  8. +355690714510 6 ratings and 1765 queries.
  9. +355680316666 3 ratings and 1614 queries.
  10. +355680310009 6 ratings and 1371 queries.
  11. +355690704148 9 ratings and 1368 queries.
  12. +355680555855 9 ratings and 1365 queries.
  13. +355685176504 8 ratings and 1364 queries.
  14. +355690735664 4 ratings and 1344 queries.
  15. 00355280001 3 ratings and 1289 queries.
  16. +355688284448 8 ratings and 1284 queries.
  17. +355682725137 6 ratings and 1275 queries.
  18. +355680310003 5 ratings and 1274 queries.
  19. +355680999666 1 ratings and 1253 queries.
  20. +355685555855 5 ratings and 1200 queries.