Area Code Zypern: 00357 / +357

If you want to call a number in Zypern, you have to dial 00357 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Zypern. The phone number should then look like this: 00357234578978

You can tell if you received a call from Zypern, by the initial numbers 00357 or +357 in your telephone display.

Favourable dialling codes for Zypern

Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00357 via Google:

Recently added comments

  1. unknown has been reported with number ‎+35797797691 as Harassment calls

    6/20/23, 10:16 PM


    2 Ratings for +35797797691 (Mobile)
  2. unknown has been reported with number ‎+35797797691 as Harassment calls

    6/20/23, 10:15 PM


    2 Ratings for +35797797691 (Mobile)
  3. iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎+35725204680 as Aggressive advertising

    11/26/21, 1:33 PM

    Mercati finanZiari...

    1 Rating for +35725204680 (Limassol, Platres)
  4. mydamn reported unknown with the number ‎+35725030930 as Aggressive advertising

    11/25/21, 7:47 AM


    1 Rating for +35725030930 (Limassol, Platres)
  5. iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎+35725204675 as Aggressive advertising

    10/1/21, 2:36 PM

    Trading online...

    1 Rating for +35725204675 (Limassol, Platres)

Telephone numbers with 00357

  1. 003572102490540 33 ratings and 0 queries.
  2. 0035722376254 74 ratings and 4597 queries.
  3. 0035722274369 137 ratings and 22260 queries.
  4. 0035722258732 67 ratings and 21835 queries.
  5. 0035725262789 12 ratings and 14119 queries.
  6. +35722278216 40 ratings and 12864 queries.
  7. +35722007857 29 ratings and 10573 queries.
  8. +35722007264 17 ratings and 10860 queries.
  9. 00035722376254 39 ratings and 425 queries.
  10. 0035722268526 29 ratings and 1589 queries.
  11. 0035722258720 13 ratings and 9075 queries.
  12. +35722258799 66 ratings and 8968 queries.
  13. 0035797620034 6 ratings and 7841 queries.
  14. 0012102490540 12 ratings and 12 queries.
  15. +35725328935 54 ratings and 7671 queries.
  16. +35725030293 38 ratings and 6957 queries.
  17. +35722009829 15 ratings and 6531 queries.
  18. 0035722268525 30 ratings and 5499 queries.
  19. +35722000826 12 ratings and 4104 queries.
  20. +35722007347 9 ratings and 4212 queries.