Area Code Litauen : 00370 / +370
If you want to call a number in Litauen , you have to dial 00370 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Litauen . The phone number should then look like this: 00370234578978
You can tell if you received a call from Litauen , by the initial numbers 00370 or +370 in your telephone display.
Favourable dialling codes for Litauen
Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00370 via Google:
Recently added comments
Daisy reported number +37064010581 as unknown
No idea who this is. Just hung up after a few minutes! presume a SCAM!...
1 Rating for +37064010581 (BITĖ) -
iPhone reported unknown with the number +37068693278 as Cost trap
Spammers Scammers Shammers Slammers Vishers Smishers Phishers Quishers Scummers...
1 Rating for +37068693278 (Telia) -
iPhone reported unknown with the number +37070091311 as Harassment calls
1 Rating for +37070091311 ()
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- +37066866536 5 ratings and 1516 queries.
- +37066866537 4 ratings and 1451 queries.
- 003706661170 2 ratings and 632 queries.
- +37063161243 2 ratings and 1034 queries.
- +37052078755 7 ratings and 989 queries.
- +37066866538 4 ratings and 973 queries.
- 003703221108990729 3 ratings and 578 queries.
- +37031107142453 2 ratings and 495 queries.
- 0037066195066 1 ratings and 568 queries.
- 0037068357322 1 ratings and 616 queries.
- 0037064910099 1 ratings and 765 queries.
- 0037060972620 1 ratings and 544 queries.
- 003706699548 4 ratings and 557 queries.
Investigator Dimebar reported unknown with the number +37063224047 as SMS spam
Winter Heating Subsidy Office Benefit Payment Notice:
1 Rating for +37063224047 (BITĖ)As the weather slowly turns colder recently, ...