Area Code Estland : 00372 / +372

If you want to call a number in Estland , you have to dial 00372 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Estland . The phone number should then look like this: 00372234578978

You can tell if you received a call from Estland , by the initial numbers 00372 or +372 in your telephone display.

Favourable dialling codes for Estland

Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00372 via Google:

Recently added comments

  1. The number ‎+37258087969 has been assigned to unknown

    11/25/24, 5:57 PM

    5 times call this scammer in 10 seconds. Ping...

    1 Rating for +37258087969 (Tele 2)
  2. Adam reported number ‎+37253849393 as unknown

    10/26/24, 11:55 AM


    1 Rating for +37253849393 (Telia Eesti AS)
  3. obob reported Visa / train-ticket scam with the number ‎+37256203209 as Cost trap

    10/14/24, 12:02 PM

    Recorded message, Visa / train ticket scam. Press '1' to talk to a scammer !! I've had this pathet...

    1 Rating for +37256203209 (Elisa)
  4. Phone Jesus reported unknown with the number ‎+37256333550 as Harassment calls

    12/1/23, 7:36 AM

    Caller was trying to gather personal data by this fraudulent scheme:

    1. They said that they recei...

    1 Rating for +37256333550 (Elisa)
  5. Ringo reported CHIAMATA TRUFFA! with the number ‎+37254135049 as Cost trap

    11/20/23, 4:19 PM

    Non richiamare questo numero. Cercano solo di essere richiamati per addebitare dei costi alla tua in...

    1 Rating for +37254135049 (Telia Eesti AS)

Telephone numbers with 00372

  1. +37253129201 21 ratings and 11918 queries.
  2. +37258832914 14 ratings and 8834 queries.
  3. +37254376830 45 ratings and 8474 queries.
  4. +37258882042 19 ratings and 7786 queries.
  5. +37254135081 25 ratings and 5814 queries.
  6. +37254135067 22 ratings and 4420 queries.
  7. +37253129198 19 ratings and 4387 queries.
  8. +3726682839 3 ratings and 4267 queries.
  9. +37254135085 17 ratings and 3700 queries.
  10. +37254135074 11 ratings and 3475 queries.
  11. +37254135089 17 ratings and 2956 queries.
  12. +37258882017 7 ratings and 2951 queries.
  13. +37254135066 6 ratings and 2115 queries.
  14. +37258882373 7 ratings and 1734 queries.
  15. +3728220025 3 ratings and 1624 queries.
  16. +37258832911 3 ratings and 1593 queries.
  17. +37253129202 2 ratings and 1570 queries.
  18. +37258882040 8 ratings and 1409 queries.
  19. +37258882376 9 ratings and 1381 queries.
  20. +37254135003 6 ratings and 1223 queries.