Area Code Moldau : 00373 / +373

If you want to call a number in Moldau , you have to dial 00373 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Moldau . The phone number should then look like this: 00373234578978

You can tell if you received a call from Moldau , by the initial numbers 00373 or +373 in your telephone display.

Favourable dialling codes for Moldau

Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00373 via Google:

Recently added comments

  1. iPhone reported number ‎+37379209366 as Carolina Mancos

    6/2/23, 12:36 PM


    1 Rating for +37379209366 (Moldcell)
  2. iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎+37322349373 as Harassment calls

    3/11/21, 3:23 PM


    1 Rating for +37322349373 (Chisinau)
  3. iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎+37322349303 as Harassment calls

    3/11/21, 12:15 PM


    1 Rating for +37322349303 (Chisinau)
  4. iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎+37376756749 as Harassment calls

    3/11/21, 8:22 AM


    1 Rating for +37376756749 (Moldcell)
  5. iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎+37379288346 as Harassment calls

    2/10/21, 9:33 AM


    1 Rating for +37379288346 (Moldcell)

Telephone numbers with 00373

  1. 003737727237 22 ratings and 5510 queries.
  2. 00373994490213 0 ratings and 122 queries.
  3. +37367302137 30 ratings and 2577 queries.
  4. +37380290239 4 ratings and 1699 queries.
  5. 0037369324695 7 ratings and 1521 queries.
  6. +37373228530 4 ratings and 1326 queries.
  7. +37323743454 6 ratings and 1271 queries.
  8. +37322451138 1 ratings and 1107 queries.
  9. +37367417523 17 ratings and 1096 queries.
  10. +37371937250 4 ratings and 1065 queries.
  11. +37323583703 3 ratings and 1061 queries.
  12. +37367128441 5 ratings and 1033 queries.
  13. +37342138337 4 ratings and 1031 queries.
  14. +37326948826 3 ratings and 1026 queries.
  15. +37323072184 3 ratings and 1008 queries.
  16. +37322201996 6 ratings and 978 queries.
  17. +37372440623 2 ratings and 971 queries.
  18. +37326442766 3 ratings and 950 queries.
  19. +37367417522 8 ratings and 917 queries.
  20. +37323501996 4 ratings and 898 queries.