Area Code Armenien : 00374 / +374

If you want to call a number in Armenien , you have to dial 00374 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Armenien . The phone number should then look like this: 00374234578978

You can tell if you received a call from Armenien , by the initial numbers 00374 or +374 in your telephone display.

Favourable dialling codes for Armenien

Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00374 via Google:

Recently added comments

  1. Defender Kelloggsmum reported unknown with the number ‎+37495167376 as Telemarketer

    11/12/24, 2:19 PM

    2 calls from same number, 1 different, total 3 calls. No idea but don't know anyone in Armenia so di...

    1 Rating for +37495167376 (Ucom)
  2. The number ‎+37485726088 has been assigned to unknown

    10/18/24, 4:49 PM

    00374 85726088 - Called today, hung up after two rings. Country code for Armenia....

    1 Rating for +37485726088 ()
  3. The number ‎+37444593610 has been assigned to unknown

    8/16/24, 5:10 PM

    00374 44593610 - called twice yesterday, again today. It hung up after a couple of rings before I co...

    1 Rating for +37444593610 (Ucom)
  4. Macca reported unknown with the number ‎+37444811314 as Harassment calls

    6/6/24, 7:58 PM

    Armenia popped up as the destination of this call that rang off very quickly
    How on Earth can obvi...

    1 Rating for +37444811314 (Ucom)
  5. Emine has been reported with number ‎+37493713231 as SMS spam

    5/19/23, 5:29 PM

    Cryptocurrency scam claiming to be someone called Emine....

    1 Rating for +37493713231 (VivaCell-MTS)

Telephone numbers with 00374

  1. +37495979090 1 ratings and 1677 queries.
  2. +37494296806 4 ratings and 761 queries.
  3. 0037498775533 0 ratings and 406 queries.
  4. 00374096476343 0 ratings and 386 queries.
  5. +37423152079 0 ratings and 334 queries.
  6. 0037495911976 0 ratings and 389 queries.
  7. +37494089404 0 ratings and 353 queries.
  8. +37477667739 0 ratings and 343 queries.
  9. +37498035323 0 ratings and 354 queries.
  10. +37498539120 0 ratings and 347 queries.
  11. 0037496469990 0 ratings and 381 queries.
  12. +37494346460 0 ratings and 392 queries.
  13. 003741092787150 0 ratings and 364 queries.
  14. +37494445377 0 ratings and 329 queries.
  15. 0037493560367 0 ratings and 378 queries.
  16. +37493339002 0 ratings and 335 queries.
  17. 0037494228853 0 ratings and 379 queries.
  18. 0037498784691 0 ratings and 363 queries.
  19. 0037410734188 0 ratings and 373 queries.
  20. +37410565650 0 ratings and 324 queries.