Area Code Belarus: 00375 / +375

If you want to call a number in Belarus, you have to dial 00375 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Belarus. The phone number should then look like this: 00375234578978

You can tell if you received a call from Belarus, by the initial numbers 00375 or +375 in your telephone display.

Favourable dialling codes for Belarus

Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00375 via Google:

Recently added comments

  1. Investigator Sergg reported unknown with the number ‎+375255016234 as Survey

    6/29/22, 9:59 AM


    1 Rating for +375255016234 (life:))
  2. iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎+375448434960 as Harassment calls

    3/10/21, 10:14 AM


    1 Rating for +375448434960 (Velcom)
  3. iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎+375294209581 as Harassment calls

    1/21/21, 4:43 PM


    1 Rating for +375294209581 (Diallog)
  4. iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎+375290945411 as Harassment calls

    1/5/21, 8:55 PM


    2 Ratings for +375290945411 ()
  5. iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎+375294174200 as Harassment calls

    1/5/21, 8:55 PM


    1 Rating for +375294174200 (Diallog)

Telephone numbers with 00375

  1. 0037523423234342 1 ratings and 147 queries.
  2. 0037591188185889 0 ratings and 21 queries.
  3. 0037509992617 0 ratings and 0 queries.
  4. 003759999999 0 ratings and 0 queries.
  5. 0037537904305 0 ratings and 0 queries.
  6. 0037538020001 0 ratings and 0 queries.
  7. 00375172156500 48 ratings and 28361 queries.
  8. 00375172010000 29 ratings and 27445 queries.
  9. 00375223104747 0 ratings and 108 queries.
  10. 003753030000001 0 ratings and 18 queries.
  11. 0037572191140594 0 ratings and 18 queries.
  12. 0113755136268 0 ratings and 16014 queries.
  13. 00375179916411 6 ratings and 15084 queries.
  14. 0037574 11 ratings and 14889 queries.
  15. 00375152452029 21 ratings and 14280 queries.
  16. 00375172421202 19 ratings and 13584 queries.
  17. 00375118086981 0 ratings and 0 queries.
  18. 0037502223781 0 ratings and 0 queries.
  19. 00375152795310 19 ratings and 12669 queries.
  20. 00375296000150 9 ratings and 12684 queries.