Area Code Monaco: 00377 / +377

If you want to call a number in Monaco, you have to dial 00377 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Monaco. The phone number should then look like this: 00377234578978

You can tell if you received a call from Monaco, by the initial numbers 00377 or +377 in your telephone display.

Favourable dialling codes for Monaco

Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00377 via Google:

Recently added comments

  1. iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎+37744402490 as SMS spam

    10/18/22, 7:38 PM


    1 Rating for +37744402490 (Monaco Telecom)
  2. gouniot reported unknown with the number ‎003773582011 as Telemarketer

    6/15/12, 6:12 PM

    partenaire edf qui propose un systeme photovoltaïque!...

    1 Rating for 003773582011 ()

Telephone numbers with 00377

  1. +37744505210 108 ratings and 44064 queries.
  2. 0037780093827 88 ratings and 12599 queries.
  3. +37744290554 23 ratings and 16479 queries.
  4. +37744290545 26 ratings and 11995 queries.
  5. 00377249520598 1 ratings and 34 queries.
  6. 0037745266547 17 ratings and 6835 queries.
  7. +37745507400 24 ratings and 5702 queries.
  8. +37745909314 2 ratings and 5552 queries.
  9. 0037744485842 0 ratings and 3575 queries.
  10. +37745802782 12 ratings and 3676 queries.
  11. 0037744167699 20 ratings and 2245 queries.
  12. +3773706455 13 ratings and 1934 queries.
  13. 003773582011 1 ratings and 935 queries.
  14. 0037745 0 ratings and 1295 queries.
  15. 00377918111334 0 ratings and 794 queries.
  16. 00377358201 0 ratings and 808 queries.
  17. 0037793506500 0 ratings and 931 queries.
  18. +37744082130 5 ratings and 1068 queries.
  19. 00377800938272 0 ratings and 796 queries.
  20. 0037780099827 0 ratings and 801 queries.