Area Code Ukraine: 00380 / +380

If you want to call a number in Ukraine, you have to dial 00380 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Ukraine. The phone number should then look like this: 00380234578978

You can tell if you received a call from Ukraine, by the initial numbers 00380 or +380 in your telephone display.

Favourable dialling codes for Ukraine

Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00380 via Google:

Recently added comments

  1. The number ‎+380966964447 has been assigned to unknown

    11/15/24, 5:50 PM

    Та бревно. Марно час витратив, хоча по фото вона прийшла...може то сестра )))...

    4 Ratings for +380966964447 (Київстар)
  2. Pjatitzki reported Nadja Kors with the number ‎+380966964447 as Trustworthy number

    11/13/24, 9:32 AM

    Бордель Львов. Лошадь...

    4 Ratings for +380966964447 (Київстар)
  3. Юра Додик has been reported with number ‎+380672677734 as SMS spam

    11/4/23, 12:49 PM


    2 Ratings for +380672677734 (Київстар)
  4. Юра додік has been reported with number ‎+380672677734 as Trustworthy number

    11/4/23, 12:48 PM


    2 Ratings for +380672677734 (Київстар)
  5. Investigator Lova reported Nick with the number ‎+380686262215 as Ping Call

    3/15/23, 5:24 AM


    1 Rating for +380686262215 (Beeline)

Telephone numbers with 00380

  1. 00380541200720 0 ratings and 21 queries.
  2. 00380912041600 0 ratings and 112 queries.
  3. 00380567976010 187 ratings and 246695 queries.
  4. 00380912443460 0 ratings and 34 queries.
  5. 00380171064429 0 ratings and 219 queries.
  6. 003803518995011 0 ratings and 14 queries.
  7. 00380662991273 0 ratings and 107 queries.
  8. 00380445033335 286 ratings and 169091 queries.
  9. +380567369129 142 ratings and 163598 queries.
  10. 00380800303301 156 ratings and 157488 queries.
  11. 0038023423234342 4 ratings and 168 queries.
  12. 00380800503777 208 ratings and 148963 queries.
  13. 00380672071003 25 ratings and 143345 queries.
  14. 00380800301040 65 ratings and 122470 queries.
  15. 00380800305020 159 ratings and 121626 queries.
  16. +380567335040 77 ratings and 102082 queries.
  17. 00380800300669 156 ratings and 100760 queries.
  18. 00380442337421 186 ratings and 90783 queries.
  19. 00380800300285 149 ratings and 84103 queries.
  20. 0038061929399999 0 ratings and 41 queries.