Area Code Serbien: 00381 / +381
If you want to call a number in Serbien, you have to dial 00381 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Serbien. The phone number should then look like this: 00381234578978
You can tell if you received a call from Serbien, by the initial numbers 00381 or +381 in your telephone display.
Favourable dialling codes for Serbien
Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00381 via Google:
Recently added comments
iPhone reported unknown with the number +38162264557 as Ping Call
1 Rating for +38162264557 (Telenor) -
iPhone reported unknown with the number +381645501452 as Ping Call
Ping call aus Serbien...
1 Rating for +381645501452 (Telekom Srbija a.d.) -
iPhone reported unknown with the number +381628671649 as Ping Call
1 Rating for +381628671649 (Telenor) -
Guardian Willthegas reported number +381698696264 as unknown
1 Rating for +381698696264 (Telenor)
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- +381643033149 48 ratings and 32754 queries.
- 00381640769731 59 ratings and 28959 queries.
- +381643033147 49 ratings and 28297 queries.
- +381643033145 33 ratings and 23586 queries.
- +381668459102 2 ratings and 5771 queries.
- +381643033146 18 ratings and 4983 queries.
- +381610136886 9 ratings and 2722 queries.
- 0038130578014345 1 ratings and 1627 queries.
- 00381668459101 2 ratings and 1491 queries.
- +381610136885 3 ratings and 1262 queries.
- +381114401200 0 ratings and 466 queries.
- +381612281814 1 ratings and 894 queries.
- +381113130799 0 ratings and 750 queries.
- 00381111111111 1 ratings and 508 queries.
- +381669771624 2 ratings and 810 queries.
- +38130551014345 5 ratings and 656 queries.
- 00381668459106 0 ratings and 698 queries.
- +381660913950 0 ratings and 675 queries.
- 00381112410060 1 ratings and 656 queries.
- 00381668459103 0 ratings and 647 queries.
iPhone reported number +381638031661 as unknown
1 Rating for +381638031661 (Telenor)