Area Code Kroatien : 00385 / +385
If you want to call a number in Kroatien , you have to dial 00385 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Kroatien . The phone number should then look like this: 00385234578978
You can tell if you received a call from Kroatien , by the initial numbers 00385 or +385 in your telephone display.
Favourable dialling codes for Kroatien
Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00385 via Google:
Recently added comments
iPhone reported unknown with the number +385990190557 as Harassment calls
1 Rating for +385990190557 (Hrvatski Telekom) -
Pig reported number +38516008222 as unknown
Suspicious call from Croatian number. No message left. Probable scammer....
1 Rating for +38516008222 (Zagreb) -
iPhone reported unknown with the number +38531574682 as Aggressive advertising
1 Rating for +38531574682 (Osijek-Baranja) -
iPhone reported unknown with the number +385915156507 as Harassment calls
1 Rating for +385915156507 (A1 Telekom)
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- 0038551273976 4 ratings and 866 queries.
- +38513440600 4 ratings and 878 queries.
- 00385957271466 1 ratings and 880 queries.
- 003859401370 3 ratings and 787 queries.
- 0038515492500 0 ratings and 484 queries.
- 0038551853159 1 ratings and 706 queries.
- 0038517980100 0 ratings and 403 queries.
- +385919089026 3 ratings and 459 queries.
- 00385923577458 1 ratings and 586 queries.
- +38521569581 0 ratings and 309 queries.
- +385998606458 0 ratings and 366 queries.
- +38598427738 1 ratings and 397 queries.
- 00385911883641 0 ratings and 302 queries.
- +385016666287 0 ratings and 380 queries.
- 0038523687499 1 ratings and 390 queries.
iPhone reported unknown with the number +385914841454 as Aggressive advertising
1 Rating for +385914841454 (A1 Telekom)