Area Code Bosnien und Herzegowina : 00387 / +387

If you want to call a number in Bosnien und Herzegowina , you have to dial 00387 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Bosnien und Herzegowina . The phone number should then look like this: 00387234578978

You can tell if you received a call from Bosnien und Herzegowina , by the initial numbers 00387 or +387 in your telephone display.

Favourable dialling codes for Bosnien und Herzegowina

Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00387 via Google:

Recently added comments

  1. Ringback reported number ‎+38761630266 as unknown

    2/26/24, 11:56 AM

    Only rang twice...

    1 Rating for +38761630266 (BH Telecom)
  2. A reported number ‎+38763864866 as unknown

    12/5/23, 10:10 AM

    Number I didn't recognise from a country where I don't know anyone and have nothing to do with....

    1 Rating for +38763864866 (HT ERONET)
  3. The number ‎+38763088295 has been assigned to unknown

    12/1/23, 2:42 PM

    Probably a scammer or a fraud , the number is from Bosnia, I don't know anyone from Bosnia ,I don't ...

    1 Rating for +38763088295 (HT ERONET)
  4. The number ‎+38763000260 has been assigned to unknown

    9/15/23, 6:47 PM

    Called to uk ended call because I didn't know them but now won't answer when call back...

    1 Rating for +38763000260 (HT ERONET)
  5. Jo reported unknown with the number ‎+38763009597 as Harassment calls

    9/9/23, 9:48 PM

    Origin says Bosnia how can these s*** bags get U.K. registered mobile numbers
    It’s all so wrong har...

    1 Rating for +38763009597 (HT ERONET)

Telephone numbers with 00387

  1. 0038761933886 13 ratings and 2544 queries.
  2. +38763267944 25 ratings and 7075 queries.
  3. +38763306850 15 ratings and 7021 queries.
  4. 0038763301086 18 ratings and 6150 queries.
  5. +38763304611 12 ratings and 5791 queries.
  6. +38763301083 19 ratings and 4839 queries.
  7. +38763306856 9 ratings and 4599 queries.
  8. 003871450724 7 ratings and 3828 queries.
  9. +38763328139 2 ratings and 3039 queries.
  10. +38763304605 6 ratings and 2495 queries.
  11. 0038763301085 5 ratings and 2482 queries.
  12. +38765744235 6 ratings and 2179 queries.
  13. +38763302433 3 ratings and 1908 queries.
  14. +38763306857 4 ratings and 1857 queries.
  15. 0038766189121 8 ratings and 1781 queries.
  16. +38763267941 10 ratings and 1548 queries.
  17. 0038763267951 1 ratings and 1529 queries.
  18. +3876 6 ratings and 1430 queries.
  19. +38733972500 0 ratings and 745 queries.
  20. +38760363377 4 ratings and 1159 queries.