Area Code Mazedonien : 00389 / +389

If you want to call a number in Mazedonien , you have to dial 00389 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Mazedonien . The phone number should then look like this: 00389234578978

You can tell if you received a call from Mazedonien , by the initial numbers 00389 or +389 in your telephone display.

Favourable dialling codes for Mazedonien

Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00389 via Google:

Recently added comments

  1. iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎+38979273478 as Ping Call

    1/7/22, 1:37 PM


    1 Rating for +38979273478 (Lyca Mobile)
  2. iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎+3897533765 as Ping Call

    1/5/22, 2:12 PM


    1 Rating for +3897533765 (A1)
  3. iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎+38977654675 as Ping Call

    12/27/21, 9:13 PM


    1 Rating for +38977654675 (A1)
  4. iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎+38979278463 as Ping Call

    12/27/21, 12:33 PM


    1 Rating for +38979278463 (Lyca Mobile)
  5. iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎+38979276198 as Ping Call

    12/25/21, 9:30 AM


    1 Rating for +38979276198 (Lyca Mobile)

Telephone numbers with 00389

  1. +38976321910 7 ratings and 2800 queries.
  2. +38975005975 17 ratings and 2238 queries.
  3. +38975005978 8 ratings and 1049 queries.
  4. +38975005974 13 ratings and 905 queries.
  5. +38970003684 1 ratings and 850 queries.
  6. +3898508060 6 ratings and 838 queries.
  7. +38971027513 1 ratings and 739 queries.
  8. +38975005977 10 ratings and 687 queries.
  9. +38975226085 0 ratings and 369 queries.
  10. 0038931425931 0 ratings and 374 queries.
  11. 0038970685781 0 ratings and 384 queries.
  12. +38971027518 1 ratings and 499 queries.
  13. +38976321903 5 ratings and 494 queries.
  14. 0038971774214 0 ratings and 376 queries.
  15. 0038947240233 0 ratings and 382 queries.
  16. 0038944333443 0 ratings and 327 queries.
  17. 0038970894464 0 ratings and 370 queries.
  18. 0038975949118 0 ratings and 314 queries.
  19. +38973420014 1 ratings and 447 queries.
  20. 0038922643263 0 ratings and 347 queries.