Area Code Czech Republic: 00420 / +420
If you want to call a number in Czech Republic, you have to dial 00420 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Czech Republic. The phone number should then look like this: 00420234578978
You can tell if you received a call from Czech Republic, by the initial numbers 00420 or +420 in your telephone display.
Favourable dialling codes for Czech Republic
Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00420 via Google:
Recently added comments
unknown has been reported with number +420530501803 as Cost trap
Scam company...
1 Rating for +420530501803 (Jihomoravský kraj ) -
unknown has been reported with number +420288717090 as Harassment calls
Sending 1 time codes to my phone then ringing me almost immediately after do not trust the number at...
1 Rating for +420288717090 (Praha) -
iPhone reported number +420598133603 as unknown
Unbekannter Anrufer...
1 Rating for +420598133603 (Moravskoslezský kraj ) -
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- 00420891247111111 0 ratings and 29 queries.
- 00420271480738 113 ratings and 153805 queries.
- 0042023423234342 1 ratings and 269 queries.
- 00420239623793 0 ratings and 52 queries.
- 00420729930999 173 ratings and 104455 queries.
- 00420227045090 77 ratings and 101990 queries.
- 00420738750600 41 ratings and 96061 queries.
- 004204038643640 0 ratings and 2 queries.
- 0042091188185889 0 ratings and 25 queries.
- 0042021984200 0 ratings and 3 queries.
- 00420241004555 79 ratings and 84904 queries.
- 004202943212 0 ratings and 2 queries.
- 00420226889618 140 ratings and 68309 queries.
- 00420603604605 39 ratings and 82477 queries.
Android reported number +420737355957 as unknown
1 Rating for +420737355957 (T-Mobile)