Area Code Austria: 0043 / +43

If you want to call a number in Austria, you have to dial 0043 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Austria. The phone number should then look like this: 0043234578978

You can tell if you received a call from Austria, by the initial numbers 0043 or +43 in your telephone display.

Favourable dialling codes for Austria

Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 0043 via Google:

Recently added comments

  1. Investigator D. Cooper reported unknown with the number ‎+436506733039 as Sweepstakes, lottery

    11/21/24, 11:16 AM


    1 Rating for +436506733039 (Mobilfunknummer)
  2. Investigator D. Cooper reported unknown with the number ‎+436766032233 as Sweepstakes, lottery

    11/21/24, 11:15 AM


    1 Rating for +436766032233 (T-Mobile AT)
  3. Investigator D. Cooper reported unknown with the number ‎+436609161605 as Sweepstakes, lottery

    11/21/24, 11:15 AM


    1 Rating for +436609161605 (Mobilfunknummer)
  4. Legend Nathan LL reported Federal Financial regulator with the number ‎+436507407083 as Harassment calls

    11/5/24, 8:47 PM

    They are claiming to be a financial regulator....

    7 Ratings for +436507407083 (Mobilfunknummer)
  5. Defender ich reported unknown with the number ‎+436507407083 as Aggressive advertising

    11/1/24, 11:45 AM


    7 Ratings for +436507407083 (Mobilfunknummer)

Telephone numbers with 0043

  1. 00434830319655 0 ratings and 202 queries.
  2. 00432148334499 0 ratings and 4 queries.
  3. 0043178569564 0 ratings and 265 queries.
  4. 0043541200720 0 ratings and 272 queries.
  5. 0043994546111 0 ratings and 217 queries.
  6. 0043245412495 0 ratings and 151 queries.
  7. 0043178569562 0 ratings and 217 queries.
  8. 0043343906499 0 ratings and 21 queries.
  9. 0043291978196 0 ratings and 216 queries.
  10. 0043692939297 0 ratings and 251 queries.
  11. 00432454001 0 ratings and 27 queries.
  12. 00432317257820 1 ratings and 493 queries.
  13. 00432409020 0 ratings and 227 queries.
  14. 004361287477837 0 ratings and 253 queries.
  15. 0043291974749 0 ratings and 221 queries.
  16. 0043291974733 0 ratings and 235 queries.
  17. 0043689795 0 ratings and 197 queries.
  18. 00438999727961 0 ratings and 193 queries.
  19. 0043315140190 0 ratings and 222 queries.
  20. 00431315614532 0 ratings and 21 queries.