Area Code Germany: 0049 / +49

If you want to call a number in Germany, you have to dial 0049 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Germany. The phone number should then look like this: 0049234578978

You can tell if you received a call from Germany, by the initial numbers 0049 or +49 in your telephone display.

Favourable dialling codes for Germany

Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 0049 via Google:

Recently added comments

  1. JLG reported Regierungspräsidium Kassel with the number ‎+495611063349 as Trustworthy number

    1/8/25, 12:42 PM


    1 Rating for +495611063349 (Kassel)
  2. Tom 2 reported unknown with the number ‎+491737348762 as SMS spam

    12/16/24, 7:43 PM


    1 Rating for +491737348762 (Vodafone)
  3. JLG reported Schulamt Gießen with the number ‎+491757590032 as Trustworthy number

    12/5/24, 1:03 PM


    1 Rating for +491757590032 (T-Mobile)
  4. JLG reported Schulamt Gießen with the number ‎+4964120081481 as Trustworthy number

    12/2/24, 7:23 PM


    1 Rating for +4964120081481 (Giessen)
  5. Android reported unknown with the number ‎+491794066284 as Trustworthy number

    12/2/24, 3:30 PM


    1 Rating for +491794066284 (O2 (Germany))

Telephone numbers with 0049

  1. 00493036428369 455 ratings and 3058780 queries.
  2. 0049891247111346 1215 ratings and 961669 queries.
  3. 0049891247114371 601 ratings and 841367 queries.
  4. 00492148334499 70 ratings and 908397 queries.
  5. 0049541200720 484 ratings and 737746 queries.
  6. 00493078783118 748 ratings and 669592 queries.
  7. 00492317257820 1567 ratings and 785084 queries.
  8. 00492283822567 920 ratings and 690879 queries.
  9. 00491793000333 198 ratings and 728098 queries.
  10. 00493022957920 657 ratings and 714527 queries.
  11. 0049245412495 3 ratings and 325 queries.
  12. 0049178569562 0 ratings and 305 queries.
  13. 00498003302424 111 ratings and 448886 queries.
  14. 004921156156001 200 ratings and 452909 queries.
  15. 00498999727961 513 ratings and 452762 queries.
  16. 004964319090199 414 ratings and 457418 queries.
  17. 0049291978196 1 ratings and 280 queries.
  18. 004961287477837 524 ratings and 373337 queries.