Area Code El Salvador : 00503 / +503

If you want to call a number in El Salvador , you have to dial 00503 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of El Salvador . The phone number should then look like this: 00503234578978

You can tell if you received a call from El Salvador , by the initial numbers 00503 or +503 in your telephone display.

Favourable dialling codes for El Salvador

Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00503 via Google:

Recently added comments

  1. iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎+50364457245 as Harassment calls

    1/31/23, 12:59 AM


    1 Rating for +50364457245 (Mobile telephony services)
  2. iPhone reported number ‎+50368209923 as unknown

    7/18/22, 11:43 PM


    1 Rating for +50368209923 (Mobile telephony services)
  3. Mateo reported number ‎+50322505556 as unknown

    12/1/21, 2:55 AM

    They call you and when you answer they hang up. Very suspicious, be careful....

    1 Rating for +50322505556 ()
  4. iPhone reported number ‎+50379503543 as unknown

    9/15/21, 8:44 PM


    1 Rating for +50379503543 (Mobile telephony services)
  5. itsme reported number ‎+5033 as confirmation caller

    9/24/15, 6:38 AM

    dont use this no. it confirms you a verification for further work, it may be hacked by someone, do n...

    1 Rating for +5033 ()

Telephone numbers with 00503

  1. +50376967198 4 ratings and 2687 queries.
  2. +5033 1 ratings and 1746 queries.
  3. +50378550082 1 ratings and 1374 queries.
  4. 00503 0 ratings and 969 queries.
  5. +50322579100 1 ratings and 689 queries.
  6. 0050378485710 1 ratings and 393 queries.
  7. 0050362222799 0 ratings and 374 queries.
  8. +50375484880 0 ratings and 365 queries.
  9. +50375344241 0 ratings and 371 queries.
  10. +50377370705 0 ratings and 372 queries.
  11. +50374858741 0 ratings and 376 queries.
  12. +50374729315 0 ratings and 359 queries.
  13. +50376123661 0 ratings and 372 queries.
  14. 0050376839874 0 ratings and 373 queries.
  15. 00503726908 0 ratings and 358 queries.
  16. +50376884150 0 ratings and 362 queries.
  17. +50377632301 0 ratings and 344 queries.
  18. +50379685256 0 ratings and 356 queries.
  19. +50375341145 0 ratings and 342 queries.
  20. 0050377393021 0 ratings and 346 queries.