Area Code Nicaragua : 00505 / +505
If you want to call a number in Nicaragua , you have to dial 00505 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Nicaragua . The phone number should then look like this: 00505234578978
You can tell if you received a call from Nicaragua , by the initial numbers 00505 or +505 in your telephone display.
Favourable dialling codes for Nicaragua
Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00505 via Google:
Recently added comments
Albion reported unknown with the number 005055490347 as Cost trap
Asian sounding guy phoned saying my computer was infected. This is not the first time this has happe...
2 Ratings for 005055490347 (Boaco) -
Investigator LA MALA reported number 0050586566750 as MALUM
1 Rating for 0050586566750 (mobile number)
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- +50589343184 0 ratings and 268 queries.
- +5058502988 0 ratings and 275 queries.
- +50588116751 0 ratings and 338 queries.
- 0050586124472 0 ratings and 263 queries.
- 0050585994318 0 ratings and 264 queries.
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- +50588189034 0 ratings and 282 queries.
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frguy reported unknown with the number 005055490347 as Cost trap
ils se font passer pour le support microsoft et vous demander d'installer un logiciel du site ammyy ...
2 Ratings for 005055490347 (Boaco)