Area Code Nicaragua : 00505 / +505

If you want to call a number in Nicaragua , you have to dial 00505 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Nicaragua . The phone number should then look like this: 00505234578978

You can tell if you received a call from Nicaragua , by the initial numbers 00505 or +505 in your telephone display.

Favourable dialling codes for Nicaragua

Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00505 via Google:

Recently added comments

  1. frguy reported unknown with the number ‎005055490347 as Cost trap

    8/7/14, 8:00 AM

    ils se font passer pour le support microsoft et vous demander d'installer un logiciel du site ammyy ...

    2 Ratings for 005055490347 (Boaco)
  2. Albion reported unknown with the number ‎005055490347 as Cost trap

    7/26/14, 8:31 AM

    Asian sounding guy phoned saying my computer was infected. This is not the first time this has happe...

    2 Ratings for 005055490347 (Boaco)
  3. Investigator LA MALA reported number ‎0050586566750 as MALUM

    1/14/14, 9:47 PM


    1 Rating for 0050586566750 (mobile number)

Telephone numbers with 00505

  1. 0050558773260 4 ratings and 3618 queries.
  2. 005054 6 ratings and 614 queries.
  3. 005055490347 2 ratings and 864 queries.
  4. +5056 0 ratings and 675 queries.
  5. 0050586566750 1 ratings and 276 queries.
  6. 0050584968894 0 ratings and 266 queries.
  7. +50512941 0 ratings and 355 queries.
  8. 0050588443853 0 ratings and 266 queries.
  9. 0050583249756 0 ratings and 258 queries.
  10. +505185951585 0 ratings and 361 queries.
  11. 0050588881231 0 ratings and 282 queries.
  12. 0050522545712 0 ratings and 265 queries.
  13. +50589343184 0 ratings and 268 queries.
  14. +5058502988 0 ratings and 275 queries.
  15. +50588116751 0 ratings and 338 queries.
  16. 0050586124472 0 ratings and 263 queries.
  17. 0050585994318 0 ratings and 264 queries.
  18. 00505535587 0 ratings and 262 queries.
  19. +50588189034 0 ratings and 282 queries.
  20. +50582564 0 ratings and 275 queries.