Area Code Costa Rica : 00506 / +506
If you want to call a number in Costa Rica , you have to dial 00506 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Costa Rica . The phone number should then look like this: 00506234578978
You can tell if you received a call from Costa Rica , by the initial numbers 00506 or +506 in your telephone display.
Favourable dialling codes for Costa Rica
Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00506 via Google:
Recently added comments
Miguel Maxell Fontana reported number 0050625730119 as ***
Must take care about this fucking number do not give personal details or another info about you....
1 Rating for 0050625730119 (Cartago, San José, Heredia) -
rolando reported number +50672094443 as unknown
no se quien es...
1 Rating for +50672094443 (Claro) -
Investigator Dan Velasquez reported number +50610753304 as Patrick Lopez
Web ref:103843538
1 Rating for +50610753304 ()
Contact: Patrick Lopez 44667788567
Re: Talamban, Cebu City,
Telephone numbers with 00506
- +50688342682 3 ratings and 5788 queries.
- 005065 3 ratings and 4944 queries.
- +5065 0 ratings and 4365 queries.
- +50683279335 2 ratings and 1556 queries.
- +50641065490 3 ratings and 1218 queries.
- +50640374230 1 ratings and 1097 queries.
- 005066606452 1 ratings and 871 queries.
- +50647005700 2 ratings and 788 queries.
- +50622344646 1 ratings and 720 queries.
- 005066606450 0 ratings and 523 queries.
- 0050625730119 1 ratings and 641 queries.
- +50672422263 1 ratings and 619 queries.
- +50644041545 3 ratings and 569 queries.
- +50622084800 0 ratings and 476 queries.
- 0050622996812 0 ratings and 459 queries.
- +50625287125 1 ratings and 502 queries.
- 005066606090 0 ratings and 382 queries.
- +50685482067 0 ratings and 358 queries.
- 0050683296688 0 ratings and 404 queries.
- 0050660935188 0 ratings and 380 queries.
iPhone reported unknown with the number +50670237382 as Harassment calls
1 Rating for +50670237382 (Claro)